Nipple plastic English
Head: head

Overhead: overhead.

Hair: hair on the head

Amount: per head

Temple: Temple

Face: face

Cheek: cheek


Eyes: eyes

Eyebrows: eyebrows

Eyelashes: eyelashes

Eyelid: eyelid

Eyeball: eyeball

Student: Student.

Iris: Iris

Ears: ears

Eardrum: eardrum

Listen: the ear canal

Nose: Nose

Nose: nostril

Nasal cavity: nasal cavity

Bridge of nose: bridge of nose

Among people: among people


Lip: Lip

Tongue: Tongue

Teeth: teeth (teeth)

Crown: Crown

Chewing gum: chewing gum

Root: root; canine tooth

Enamel (tooth)

hard palate

soft palate

Uvula: uvula


vocal cords


Chin: chin

Chin: chin

Jaw bone: Jaw bone

Neck; Neck: neck

Roar: throat

Throat: larynx

Item; nape

Trunk: Trunk

Back off: Back off


Axillary: armpit

Box: Chester

Breast: breathing; chest

Nipple: nipple

Waist: waist; waist

Navel: navel; navel

Abdomen; abdomen

Upper abdomen: upper abdomen

Lower abdomen; underbelly

Groin: groin

Hip; Hip; Bottom; buttock

Reproductive organs: reproductive organs

Limb: limb

Arm: arm

Upper arm: upper arm


Bend the arm: bend the arm

Elbow: elbow


Hand: hand

Back of hand: back of hand


Finger: Finger

Thumb: Thumb

Index finger: index finger; forefinger

Middle finger: middle finger

ring finger

Little finger: little finger

Nails: nails

Leg: Leg

Thigh: thigh

Lower leg; shank

Knee: knee

knee joint

Knee: kneecap

Knee bending: knee depression; Posterior part of knee

Legs and stomach: calves

Ankle: ankle

Feet: Feet (feet)

Instep: instep

sole (of the foot)

Heel: Heel



Heart: heart

Muscle: muscle

Pectoral muscle: pectoral muscle

abdominal muscle

Deltoid muscle: deltoid muscle

Brain: brain

Brain: brain

Cerebellum: cerebellum