Because of financial issues, if you don’t mind using second-hand, you can consider using the Xeon processor platform, because the Xeon processor platform is very cost-effective, and the video editing rendering processor must be multi-core and multi-threaded. It is recommended Use a Xeon processor with six cores or above
The core hardware is as follows, other hardware can be used as you like
It is no problem to process 4K and below videos
< p>Processor: Intel X99-8M-FMemory: Two DDR430008GC9BZJ DDR430008GC9BZJ, or you can use server memory
Graphics card: GTX16504GD6 brand optional Zotac/MSI/GALAXY/Colorful /Asus, etc. or use a second-hand RX580
Power supply: A brand power supply with a rated power of 500 watts or above is sufficient. Great Wall, Xingu, Huntkey, FSP, Delta, Corsair and other brands are all OK. It is best to have one It’s 80PLUS certified, so don’t worry too much about which brand, as long as it’s not a copycat, it’s fine.
Solid-state drive: Western Digital SN750, high cost performance
Other accessories can be selected according to your own preferences
In addition, video editing is the strength of AMD processors, so I recommend a cost-effective one. The AMD platform configuration is relatively high. The processor can be replaced with AMD Ryzen 3500X or AMD Ryzen 3100 depending on your wallet. The graphics card can be replaced with 1650, which is relatively cheaper. See the picture for details.
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