1. What is the canceration of nevus related to?
(1) Ethnic genetic factors
1% ~ 6% of patients with agoraphobia have family history, and the proportion of multiple agoraphobia with family history can be as high as 44%, which belongs to autosomal dominant inheritance.
(2) Sunlight exposure
Ultraviolet factor, ultraviolet radiation is one of the causes of malignant melanoma. Ultraviolet radiation is very sensitive to DNA damage, which can lead to systemic immunity decline. Sunlight exposure causes the body to produce a factor, which will accompany the blood circulation to other parts and stimulate the malignant transformation of melanocytes.
(3) Endocrine factors
Although the relationship between estrogen elevation and melanoma is inconclusive, there are estrogen receptors in melanoma cells, which indicates that it has a certain relationship with the pathological changes of melanoma. Therefore, endocrine factors are also one of the causes of malignant transformation of nevus.
2. The probability of malignant mole.
Generally speaking, ordinary small moles are basically non-cancerous. If more and more moles are found, the probability of canceration of this kind of moles is relatively high, especially under the influence of ethnic inheritance, sun exposure, endocrine disorders and other factors.
3. The characteristics of malignant transformation of nevus
The malignant transformation of nevus is characterized by irregularity, irregular circuitous and distorted edges; It is not uniform black, but variegated and interlaced, and it is usually impossible to divide it into two symmetrical parts with a straight line; At first, it was small and imperceptible, but it grew gradually. When it grows to the size of a rubber head on a pencil, it will be clear at a glance.
4. How to judge whether the mole is cancerous?
1. In terms of diameter. Ordinary nevus is generally less than 5 mm in diameter, and most malignant melanomas are more than 5 mm in diameter.
2. Judging from the color. The color of common moles is mostly yellow-brown, brown or black. Malignant melanoma often has many colors. If the color suddenly becomes dark, black, blue or light within a few months, it should be highly suspected that it is malignant melanoma.
3. Judging from the edge. Ordinary nevus has a smooth edge and a clear boundary with surrounding skin. Malignant melanoma has jagged edges and jagged changes, and the boundary with surrounding normal tissues is unclear.
4. From the symmetry point of view. Visually, it was divided into two parts in the center of the tumor, and the benign nevus was symmetrical on both sides. Malignant melanoma is irregular and asymmetrical in shape.
5. From the perspective of change. Ordinary moles remain unchanged all year round without any discomfort. Malignant melanoma often increases in a short time, and bleeding, ulcers and itching appear in the surrounding skin. It is difficult to heal after ulceration, with ulcers or scabs, and many new small tumors will appear around.
5. How to get rid of moles?
1. Chemicals in the market are cauterized with strong acid or alkali chemicals, while Dot mole trichloroacetic acid is used in hospitals, which has a good effect on newly emerging and shallow combined moles, and often leads to sunken scars due to excessive cauterization, or raised scars due to scar formation.
2. Freeze the mole with liquid nitrogen. Can effectively remove protruding and flat moles. Because depth control is not easy, it often causes injuries, so now dermatology does not need to treat moles.
3. Surgical resection can be done once and for all. If there is a possible malignant mole, pathological examination can be carried out after resection. Excision is a kind of operation, which requires anesthesia and suture, and the wound is difficult to take care of.
4. There is no trace after laser vaporization of nevus, except for some punctate bleeding after laser surgery. It is only suitable for shallow nevus, because the residual melanocytes under the skin will pop up again and again, and it is a bit difficult to save eyebrows by laser treatment for many times. At present, there are many plastic surgery methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the doctor should check the state of the mole and make suggestions before making a decision. Advantages: Laser nevus removal can control the best spot size and depth, and it is not easy to leave scars and infections.
5. Surgical resection, surgical resection of the diseased tissue around the nevus. This method can select partial or total resection of diseased tissue, and different treatment methods can be carried out according to the nature of nevus. It is difficult and time-consuming, so this method is rarely used in general moles.