Super cad plastic surgery
This situation requires manual cleaning of the registry.

Start-Run: regedit- Enter the registry

1. Start-Run-Enter "regedit", open the registry and find the following registry path:

HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Autodesk \ AutoCAD \ r 18.0

Right mouse button to delete the entire key value R 18.0.

2. Find the following registry path:

HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \Autodesk\AutoCAD\R 18.0

Right mouse button to delete the entire key value R 18.0.

3. The last and most important step is to find the following registry path:

Under HKEY Local Machine \ Software \ Class \ Installer \ Product,

Click the right mouse button to delete the key value at the beginning of "7D2F3875 1008xxxxx".

Then you can reinstall it.