2 Rub the mixed dough into strips by hand on the chopping board for later pressing.
Dip dry flour on both sides of this rectangular dough, and turn the electric dough press to the maximum position to control the width of the dough. Press the dough into a dough sheet.
4 Press the dough pieces repeatedly, and sprinkle dry powder on both the pressed dough pieces and the non-pressed dough pieces. Two-handed operation, left hand Lamian Noodles tablets, right hand powder. After proficiency, you will move quickly.
5 Repeat the above actions until the dough is dry and not sticky. If the dough is too wet, the dough is easy to stick in the later stage, and if the dough is too dry, the dough is easy to crack. You can put a little water on both sides of the dough and press it twice. In this way, noodles with elastic tendons are pressed out.