The time for dry cleaning is actually related to the cleanliness and material of the clothes. If it is clean clothes, it can usually be washed in three to five minutes. If it is dirty clothes, it will take eight to fifteen minutes. If it is leather clothes If you only need to wash the inside, the dry cleaning time will be short. If you want to wash the outer leather, the washing time will be longer. Generally, you need to dry it after washing, and the drying time is usually within half an hour, so if you dry clean the clothes, you can get the clothes in as fast as an hour. If you send the clothes to the dry cleaner on the same day, you can get them on the same day.
However, dry cleaners usually allow customers to pick up the washed clothes after three days, because many customers come to wash clothes in one day. If all the clothes are washed and asked to be picked up by customers, there will be many mistakes. The customer may not have time to pick it up, so they usually choose three days for the customer to pick it up. This will also give the dry cleaners enough time to wash and organize and avoid mistakes. However, if the customer needs to pick it up on the same day, you can also talk to the dry cleaners and do extra work. For urgent processing, you can usually get it within an hour.
Dry cleaning needs to be done in a specialized dry cleaning shop, which can avoid damage to clothing fabrics caused by washing. It does not shrink or deform, has good color protection, can be disinfected and sterilized, and is not easy to be eaten by insects. It is suitable for wool, Materials such as leather should not be stained with water or fade easily.
Dry cleaning steps
The first step is pretreatment, which is stain removal. It uses artificial additives to pretreat heavily contaminated dirt and stains that are insoluble in dry cleaning solvents (such as juice, nail polish, paint, ink, etc.) without using water.
The second step is main washing. Put the pretreated clothes into the dry cleaning machine, wash them thoroughly with dry cleaning solvent and spin (tumble) dry them.
The third step is post-processing. The main purpose is to remove residual dry cleaning solvent and ironing and shaping from the clothes.
Joining a dry cleaning shop requires a store as a basis. However, compared to other industries, the dry cleaning store does not need to be too large. Franchising a small dry cleaning shop only requires about 30 square meters. Franchising a dry cleaning shop requires washing equipment, and dry cleaning shop operators also need to master certain cleaning and care techniques to ensure the smooth and continuous operation of the dry cleaning shop. If you want to know more about joining, you can click to learn more about joining projects to learn more about the conditions and procedures.