Phone [me]! = phone[i] in 0! //The ith position of the array is not equal to 0.
For example:
byte[]phone = new byte[8 1]; //Create an array of byte type with the length of 8 1.
Telephone [1]! =0 phone [1]! //The second value of the array is not equal to 0.
At the same time, give the landlord an example:
Public course study {
* @param args
Public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO automatically generated method stub
byte[]phone = new byte[8 1]; //Create an array of byte type with the length of 8 1.
for(int a = 0; a & lt8 1; a++)
phone[a]=(byte)a; //The ith position of the array is not equal to 0.
for(int I = 0; I<8 1; i++){
If (phone [me]! =0) {
System.out.println ("phone ["+I+"] is not equal to 0"+", and phone"+I+ "is"+phone [I]);
System. Out.println ("phone ["+I+"] equals 0"+ ",and phone"+I+" is "+phone [I]);