What I said upstairs... If you want to use VC to develop software, you can take a look. If you are just dealing with the second-level C language exam, then...
To enter the VC6 environment, first click on the File option in the upper left corner, select New, and create a project. To write a C program, just create a Win32 Console Application. Don't forget to give it a name, and then just click OK and Finish. This is a console program, and the main program entry point is the traditional main() function.
After that, create a C++ Source File in the Source Files folder by clicking File, selecting New, selecting C++ Source File, don’t forget to name it, and then you can write the code here. If necessary, you should also create a C/C++ Header File in the Header Files folder and do some declaration work. The method is also to click File, select New, then select C/C++ Header File, and give it a name.
After writing the code, please press F7 to compile and connect. If it passes, press Ctrl+F5 to run; otherwise, the error will appear in the small rectangle at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the small "up" and "down" arrows to scroll the small rectangle to see what the error is. The number in () represents the row in which the error occurred. The line before the brackets indicates which file contains the error. What the error is is explained in detail after the brackets. I'm exhausted...
Let's talk about this for now, don't ask again if you don't understand.