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Strike-slip faults and strike-slip basins
Xu Shouli 1 Wang Weifeng 2

(1. Jiangsu Petroleum Exploration Bureau, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009; 2. East China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong 2570 16)

1 Historical Review of the Research

The earliest scientific record of the term strike-slip fault can be traced back to the record of the New Zealand earthquake in 1888, which was also the year when the American Geological Association was established. Since then, many surface faults have been observed and some strike-slip faults have been identified, especially the San Francisco earthquake that occurred on the San Andreas fault in 1906. Strike-slip fault is a regional structure, and its existence and evolution history need to be studied regionally. In the decades after the New Zealand earthquake, people have enough data to infer (based on experience and strike-slip faults formed instantly in the earthquake) that the crustal changes caused by strike-slip in the relevant geological period are limited to tens to thousands of kilometers. Subsequently, the plate theory originated from the continental drift theory overcame the limitations of the fixed plate theory prevailing in the 1960 s and explained the strike-slip structure and its complex mechanism.

Extensive field investigation, innovation of experimental research technology, three-dimensional images of seismic reflection and drilling, finite element technology, accurate interpretation of paleoseismic data and analysis of modern earthquakes all show that there was long-term horizontal sliding of crustal plates during geological period. It's like Wei Gena's early hypothesis.

Perhaps because the strike length is too long, perhaps because it is too close to densely populated areas, or because oil has been found in structural traps along strike-slip faults, Santandrea has become the most thoroughly studied fault in the world (Crowell,1979; Hill,1981; Allen, 198 1). Because of this, Santandrea became the source of strike-slip fault thought (Hill, 198 1).

Strike-slip fault and dip fault are two kinds of faults in kinematics (Reid,1913; Perry, 1935). Strike-slip fault means that the movement direction of the fault is parallel to the fault strike. The popularity of the word "reverse fault" is due to the use of Moody and Hill (1956). Their views were quoted from Kennedy (1946), and Kennedy was influenced by E.M.Anderson, who used this term in 1905, because the Scottish Geological Survey used "torsion fault" for a long time in the highlands. Therefore, these authors all use this term for deep-sea areas, which involves sedimentary rocks in the upper crust and nearly vertical strike-slip faults in volcanic rocks and metamorphic rocks (Moody and Hill,1956; Willcocks,1973; Bedell, 1985). Other scholars call this fault a lateral thrust fault. Indeed, this is a good term for large-scale strike-slip faults, but it is somewhat unclear about the genetic classification (Wood-cock, 1886).

Strike-slip structure, as one of the most important structures in orogenic belt, was widely studied in the late 1970s. In 1980s, through the study of strike-slip structure of Hercynian orogenic belt in western Europe, the study of Mesozoic oblique subduction and strike-slip collage effect in the western Pacific, the study of continental accretion and strike-slip movement in the western continental margin of North America, and the study of strike-slip compression structure of tectonic action, the study of strike-slip structure was deepened, thus deepening the study of geological processes such as plate subduction, collision, sedimentation and orogeny. Based on the study of strike-slip structural styles, the flower-like structure, strike-slip catamaran and pull-apart basin are studied. In recent years, the concepts of compressive structure and structural escape have been further put forward in the study of Alps-Himalayan orogenic belt. These concepts and studies have greatly enriched and developed the study of orogenic belts.

2 Research status at home and abroad

With the comprehensive exploration of earthquake outcrops in New Zealand, Japan and California, the importance of strike-slip faults is gradually recognized by people. It is difficult to infer a horizontal displacement that accumulates slowly for hundreds of kilometers for a long time only by observing the horizontal displacement in the earthquake, but this extrapolation is possible if regional geological mapping and synthesis can be carried out.

2. 1 strike-slip fault type

Strike-slip faults are usually divided into transform fault and lateral thrust faults. The former cuts through the lithosphere as the plate boundary, while the latter is confined to the crust. And each type can be subdivided according to their role in the plate or plate. Xu Jiawei divided strike-slip basins into three types (1995): stepped extensional basins, longitudinal relaxation basins and pull-apart basins. Among them, the pull-apart basin can be developed in the transitional zone between the mainland and the ocean, the discrete plate boundary and the extended continental environment, the convergent plate boundary and the compressive environment.

Experiments can simulate the formation of normal faults and provide theoretical basis for simple shear or pure shear models. The yoke of strike-slip fault is formed by pure shear and passes through the contraction direction of orogenic belt. The fault length is generally less than 100km, and the fault distance varies from several kilometers to several kilometers. Large strike-slip faults are formed in regional simple shear zones, generally parallel to orogenic belts. In fact, with the improvement of regional mapping, it is becoming a kind of knowledge to identify the role of slip faults in ancient orogenic belts.

Associated folds, local stresses and compressive stresses, as well as the positions and directions of related cracks and faults, are all related to the bending or folding geometry of strike-slip faults or fault zones, and also related to the accumulation and dispersion of strike-slip faults.

The extensional basin from geosyncline to parallel rift is mainly formed under the condition of tensile stress in the process of discrete strike-slip The extensional basin evolved between two overlapping strike-slip faults. The strike-slip fault connected with the basin is tulip-shaped on the section perpendicular to the strike. Elongated uplifts range from compression ridges to long low mountains or hills, which are formed when the crust is compressed during the convergence of strike-slip faults. They are usually defined as the shape of a palm tree section.

The formation and evolution of strike-slip basins are mainly controlled by faulting, and there is no deep thermal disturbance in typical strike-slip-pull basins, so the basin filling evolution only has structural subsidence caused by pull-pull extension, and there is no thermal subsidence.

2.2 Control factors of strike-slip structural form

Strike-slip fault is an important displacement zone of a straight line or curve in the plane, and it often appears as a nearly vertical fault zone in the sedimentary cover in the profile. Many strike-slip faults, even crystalline bedrock, are separated in the middle and upper crust. The main factors controlling the evolution of structural types are the convergence or dispersion degree of adjacent blocks during strike-slip process, the displacement scale, the physical properties of sediments and the previous structural pattern. Every factor has a tendency to change with time.

Large strike-slip faults are accompanied by vertical uplift. At present, due to the lack of direct, clear signs and effective methods, the research on the uplift of large strike-slip faults lags behind the research on its horizontal displacement. The movement history of complex faults often leads researchers to attribute the uplift of large strike-slip faults to their normal fault movement or reverse fault movement.

2.3 Structural background of strike-slip fault

Paleoseismic research shows that the earthquake frequency in strike-slip faults is much higher than that in normal faults or reverse faults. The creep of active strike-slip fault also makes it different from other faults, which is a large-scale surface phenomenon driven by crustal elastic load within the earthquake depth range. Creep can be continuous or intermittent; It can occur before the earthquake, after the earthquake or at the same time, depending on the composition characteristics of the fault zone and the characteristics of the static stress field, and of course there are other factors that have not been fully understood.

Recent studies have confirmed the detachment and relationship between the sliding fault near the paleoseismic belt and the crust, which also provides a mechanism for the rotation and transformation of the crust plate. However, how this mechanism drives plate movement is still a problem, which needs further observation, data collection and simulation.

2.4 the formation of strike-slip basin

The development of strike-slip faults in some basins is directly related to strike-slip deformation, which is the result of local expansion or shortening of the crust. In addition to crustal extension, another important subsidence mechanism of strike-slip basin is the load generated by the convergence of local crustal blocks.

2.5 Characteristics of strike-slip faults in stratigraphic records

Strike-slip basins can be developed in different tectonic settings, but they are still unique in stratigraphic records: basins and their margins are not in harmony in geology; Basin asymmetry; The curtain quickly sinks; Local phase transition and unconformity; Different basins in the same area are very different.

2.6 Relationship with oil and gas

Oil and gas are important resources in strike-slip basins. According to preliminary statistics, 654.38+0.33 billion barrels of oil come from strike-slip tectonic basins. The oil-bearing properties of each strike-slip basin vary greatly, ranging from oil-rich to oil-free Whether there are source rocks, maturity, migration ability, reservoir quality and distribution, trap and caprock development, oil and gas preservation and other factors. The most important thing is the timeliness of oil and gas maturity, migration and trap formation, because strike-slip basins are often short-lived.

3 Research progress and trends

In recent years, some important progress has been made in understanding strike-slip faults: (1) Some structural styles along strike-slip faults have been identified; To obtain paleomagnetic evidence; A new model for the evolution of strike-slip basins is established. Giant strike-slip faults in orogenic belts have obtained paleomagnetism and other evidence, and so on.

The identification marks of active strike-slip faults: the movement of synthetic seismic surface, the obvious geophysical characteristics of the lower isobath and the mechanism of seismic highlights, the current position and sliding distance of active faults are recorded by the Geological Survey Institute, and its paleoseismic behavior is solved through detailed micro-stratigraphic research.

Contractive structures such as folds and reverse faults, and extensional structures such as normal faults. These complex and diverse structures have the main characteristics of goose folds or faults alone or at the same time. The geometric and dynamic mechanism that explains these folds, faults and their related structures is pure shear or simple shear. There are many articles about strike-slip fault sedimentary basins (Tianping,1980; Crowe,1982; Biddle, 1985), many sedimentary basins are characterized by high sedimentation rate, lack of volcanic and metamorphic activities, rapid phase transition, short-distance phase sequence thickening and multiple unconformities, which reflects that syntectonic sedimentation and asymmetric fault-margin breccia facies replace piedmont accumulation rocks or alluvial fans (Crowell,1974; Mitchell.1978; Nelson,1985; Dunne, 1984), fractured at the basin margin, forming a narrow-band coarse-grained basin margin facies.

Usually people study some high-angle faults, but they often lack sufficient understanding of low-angle faults. Therefore, the Huxi fault was originally considered as a nappe structure, and some people thought it was one side of a shovel-like fault, or an associated fault with a flower-like structure, or a Maye detachment fault, but it was proved to be a low-angle strike-slip fault in practice. Fault sequence analysis shows that faults are formed by fault sliding in compressive stress field, and the geometric shape and dynamic mechanism of faults are controlled by compressive stress state and crustal anisotropy. The simulation experiment shows that the friction direction has great influence on strike-slip faults under certain stress field conditions. It can be seen that a low-angle strike-slip fault can be formed in the crust. If this fault is analyzed as an example of a low-angle strike-slip fault, it can undoubtedly be concluded that the slightly inclined axial compressive stress field and the anisotropy of the regional crust are the main factors that form the low-angle strike-slip fault.

The most striking stratigraphic feature of strike-slip basin is the formation of thick symmetrical supersequence in pull-apart basin. This is due to the migration of sedimentary center caused by synsedimentary strike-slip (Crowell, 1974b, 1982a). The migration of sedimentary center is contrary to the strike-slip movement of the basin, and the basin is elongated and superimposed. The area of Hornlun Basin in western Norway is only 1250km2, but in an area less than 70km long and only 15 ~ 25km wide, the Devonian system is 25km thick (steel, 1977, 1980). However, the true vertical thickness in any area is less than 8km (steel, 1980). Southern California uplift is about 30 ~ 40km long, 6 ~ 15km wide, with an area of 400km2 and a cumulative thickness of 13km, but in such a thick stratum, any single well is relatively thin. This thickness, asymmetry and sedimentary filling mode have obvious characteristics with other basins with different scales, ages and structural styles.

The geometric shape and structural style of strike-slip faults largely depend on the following factors, namely, the structural shape, horizontal sliding and elongation of pre-existing rocks in different periods. The most important factor that determines the rise or fall of strike-slip fault is the geometry of fault surface relative to its slip vector, because it determines the accumulation and dispersion of blocks in this area (Fairbanks,1907; Cleon,1966; Pakiser, 1996). Some scholars (Hamilton,1996; Freund's, 1970a,1910b; Seissere, 1973; Baker,1976; Area,1976; Simpson,1977; Hamilton, 1978) questioned the rotation of the Pacific coast and the Dead Sea along the vertical axis under the action of single shear. Rostain (1984), Ron (1985, 1986) and kissel (1987) accepted the concept of tectonic rotation, and found paleomagnetic evidence of tectonic rotation in other large strike-slip fault areas.

A study by P.F.Friend of Columbia University in the northwest of Spitsbergen, USA, found that there is a strike-slip fault zone between the two boundary faults in the basin. This strike-slip fault zone can be identified on the outcrop, and there are some geological events in the strike-slip fault zone, which the author uses as the dynamic mechanism to study the strike-slip fault.

Paul J.Umhoefer believes that the Ylakom fault system provides a good example for the evolution complexity of strike-slip fault system and the influence of fault inversion geometry on tectonic system and stress mode through the study of southeast coastal areas of British Columbia. The fault was formed from Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. The structure of these large strike-slip faults not only delayed the proliferation of contraction structures, but also led to many northward surface movements.

When M.Thhibaut studied Alps and California, he established a linear function inversion model to prove the spatial geometric structure of strike-slip faults and thrust faults.

Auareyd D.Huerta studied the dynamics and hydrodynamic mechanism of low-angle strike-slip faults, taking Wan Hu area in south-central Idaho as an example.

In the study of three-dimensional deformation, M.Jhibaut and J.P.Gratier put forward a new linear criterion method and applied it to San Cayetano thrust fault, and achieved good results. According to the observation of Awat strike-slip fault in New Zealand, Timonthy A.Little thinks that only two factors, the displacement or decline amplitude of faults observed in the field and the relationship between faults, have been considered in previous studies, and the Wojtals method has been improved. The author thinks that it provides a new dynamic analysis method of natural fault sequence, which makes it possible to study the structural characteristics of regional geostress in active tectonic deformation area, the dynamic control factors of fault system in inclined dispersion area, the role of fault block dip angle and the instantaneous and spatial vectors of fault distribution characteristics near large strike-slip faults. ,

Allen P A( 1990) thinks: "Compared with rift basins, passive marginal basins and foreland basins, basins related to strike-slip deformation are generally smaller and more complicated. They are closely related to the tectonic evolution of a region. Due to the extremely complicated deformation history, its mechanism model has not yet been established. " However, there have been a lot of research results in small basins related to simple strike-slip deformation. T.H.Nilsen and R.J.Mclaughlin made a comparative study of typical strike-slip basins such as Hornelen Basin in western Norway, Ridge Basin in southern California and Little Sulphur Creek Basin in northern California, respectively, and summarized the main characteristics and identification marks of some basins developed near strike-slip faults. Similar basins include the Late Cenozoic basins developed along the Bocono fault zone in Venezuela, the Los Angeles basin and Ventura basin, the Ningwu basin, Haiyuan basin and Baise basin in China, etc.

Reading, N. Christie-Blick, Rodgers, Crowell, Mann and Nilsend put forward the dynamic model and genetic mechanism of strike-slip fault and basin formation. The qualitative model of classical pull-apart basin evolution proposed by Mann et al. is comprehensively expounded: ① in the strike-slip boundary zone of hard continent, the pull-apart prototype is first formed along the oblique intersection of the main displacement strike-slip fault zone and the theoretical slip line between plates, that is, the separation turning point of the fault; ② Spindle-shaped basin is caused by initial cracking along the separation turning point, limited by some oblique slip faults connected with the discontinuous ends of strike-slip faults, and is often divided by them: ③ The gradually expanding strike-slip displacement makes the basin have a certain shape, which is called "slow S-shape" between left-handed faults and "slow Z-shape" between right-handed faults; ④ With the increase of strike-slip displacement, the length of the "S" or "Z" shaped basin increases, thus forming a rhombic pull-apart basin, which is characterized by containing two or more nearly annular abyss at the bottom of the basin; (5) Strike-slip action lasting for tens of millions of years can form a long and narrow trough.

Extensional basin or rift basin is a kind of basin with more research and mature theory at present. This kind of basin emphasizes the extensional origin of the crust or lithosphere in the basin-forming area. The following dynamic models have been developed: ① Active rift: A. Uplift thrust and gravity expansion (Neugebauer, Bott, Housemne, etc. ); B. diapir (Woidt et al. ). ② Passive rift: a. Pure shear (Mckenzie et al.); B. wernicke: C. Eton. ③ Collision rift. R.S.White, D.Latin and N.White( 1993) have made a deep study on the deep controlling factors of the evolution of rift basin, and think that the melting caused by deep mantle plume not only leads to large-scale magmatic activity, but also causes the uplift and subsidence of the crust. With the development of seismic tomography, lithosphere detection and upper mantle plume theory, people have a further understanding of the deep process controlling the formation and evolution of the basin.

In China, the research on the Tan-Lu fault zone has also been quite in-depth, and many achievements have been made. According to preliminary statistics, more than 200 papers have demonstrated the formation, evolution, cutting depth, strike-slip displacement, mechanical properties of fault zone and regional stress field, deep structural characteristics of fault zone and the relationship between fault zone and endogenetic metal mineralization from different angles. We also have a clear understanding of the structure, structure, volcanic-thermal interaction, sedimentary sequence and oil and gas distribution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic oil-bearing basins near the fault. However, there are still many differences in understanding the basement structure, formation and evolution mechanism and dynamic process of these basins, and there is still a lack of in-depth discussion on the coupling relationship between faults and basins. Especially, when analyzing the evolution mechanism of basins and establishing the genetic model of basins, the predecessors rarely or basically considered the influence of Tanlu faults.

In view of the characteristics of extensional rifting in the eastern basin, some well-known domestic scholars have put forward different and even contradictory understandings. Zhang Kai et al. (1995) and Chen Fajing (1996) think that they are rift basins. When the nearby lithosphere develops into a basin on a large scale, the Tan-Lu fault, as a discontinuous surface of the pre-existing lithosphere, should also undergo large-scale rift deformation, but in fact, the Tan-Lu fault is a complex fault zone characterized by strike-slip and changeable properties. Li Desheng (1982) and Tian Zaiyi (199 1) think that these basins are intracontinental rift basins. The uplift of the upper mantle leads to the extension and depression of the upper lithosphere, and a depression is formed when the local mantle cools and contracts. However, what is the uplift mechanism of the upper mantle? Is it related to the triggering of Tanlu fault activity and decompression? Li Sitian (1995) thinks that "Bohai Bay Basin is a extensional basin, which is influenced by the dual mechanisms of extension and strike-slip, but the former is dominant". Liu Zerong (1977, 1982) thinks that the Bohai Bay Basin is a broom-like structure formed by the stress field derived from the large-scale translation of the Tanlu fault. Song Xinmin et al. (1995) think that both the Tanlu fault and the eastern wing fault of Taihang Mountain have dextral shear, which together with * * * form a pull-apart basin in Bohai Bay. Then, what influence did the Mesozoic and Cenozoic activities of the Tanlu fault have on the formation and evolution of its nearby basins? How strong is it? This requires in-depth study.

4 Problems to be solved

A.G.Sylvester discussed some characteristics of the San Dresden fault in detail in 1988. However, how representative are the dynamic mechanism, hydrodynamic mechanism and seismic activity characteristics of the San Andreas fault on the whole, especially the border transform fault? The answer to this question is very important for earthquake risk assessment and understanding of strike-slip mechanism and strike-slip structure. Some conclusions drawn from the transform fault on the California border will attract the attention of the whole tectonic circle. Just as strike-slip fault was first proposed in southern California, it later spread to other areas.

The understanding of the following problems is far from enough: (1) the formation mechanism of echelon fold and related strike-slip faults; Influence of tectonic framework on strike-slip fault structural system; Transform the geothermal and stress state of plate boundary; The difference between historical fault slip velocity and modern fault slip velocity from the analysis of submarine geomagnetic anomaly. Through the observation of the San Andreas fault for nearly a century, many concepts and problems related to strike-slip faults have been obtained, and new information is still being obtained. But when scientists pay attention to other strike-slip faults that have not been deeply studied, these basic problems will be gradually solved.

Asseger. Sylvester, through the study of Santandrea, listed four basic questions related to strike-slip faults: What is the nature of the structural framework that determines the style of strike-slip faults? Why does San Andreas lack the heat flow anomaly zone? Why is the current surface force measurement inconsistent with the dynamic simulation? Why is the relative velocity between the two sides of the fault determined by paleoearthquakes smaller than that obtained by submarine paleomagnetic data?

For some tectonic actions of strike-slip faults, some recent related concepts and statements have greatly broadened people's horizons in time and space. For example, the concept of the third dimension is introduced into the viewpoint of continental margin microplate structure, which changes the theory of deformation mechanism of active zone. Strike-slip fault is the most important structural style in structural migration along the boundary of platform plate. At present, the focus is on the study of structural characteristics and the history of plate boundaries, so as to determine the shape of these plate boundaries after transformation.

The interpretation of seismic reflection research in the middle and deep crust is at least as important as understanding strike-slip faults. These seismic reflections not only mean that there are detachments in a certain range of the crust, but also indicate that these detachments have passed through some strike-slip faults in the deep crust. Some aspects involved in the traditional viewpoint, such as the orientation and decomposition of stress at different crustal depths near strike-slip faults, the strength of strike-slip faults and their ability to absorb seismic elastic energy, have completely shaken the traditional viewpoint. These concepts are very extensive, involving the exploration of endogenous and exogenous deposits, paleostructure, paleogeography and earthquake risk. For scholars who study structures and strike-slip faults, these conclusions provide them with some challenging and enlightening ideas. At the same time, these expressions also indicate that the happy moment of our discovery and understanding is coming soon.

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