Second, limb-band progressive muscular dystrophy: autosomal recessive inheritance, both men and women can get sick. It begins in the 20-30 s and mainly involves the proximal muscles, often affecting the upper limbs first and then the lower limbs many years later. Occasionally gastrocnemius pseudohypertrophy.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy: It is also a symptom of progressive muscular dystrophy. This symptom is an X-linked recessive inheritance, which will appear in men and not in women with abnormal genes. It is more common in children and gradually progresses. At first, I was unstable in walking, easy to fall, and difficult to go upstairs. Later, it became difficult to walk. Before 12 years old, he could not walk and had to stay in bed.
Fourth, facial, shoulder and arm progressive muscular dystrophy: it is autosomal dominant inheritance, which can occur in both men and women. Usually in adolescence, it first affects the muscles of the face and scapula, showing a special "myopic face", with slightly drooping upper eyelids, shallow forehead lines and nasolabial grooves, weak superficial movements and difficulty in lifting upper limbs. During the examination, we can find that the strength of frowning, frowning, bulging cheeks, closing eyes and closing mouth is weak, and the muscles of deltoid muscle, biceps brachii muscle and brachioradialis muscle atrophy is obvious.