As a skin care professional, I have to explain to you that picking open comedones is not recommended. Although the salon may make you think this is an effective method, it can actually cause infections and other skin problems.
If you pick it 6 times in a row and some scabs have pus inside, then your skin has been damaged. At this point, your best option is to stop picking immediately and give your skin enough time to heal naturally.
To help treat the broken area, you can use some anti-inflammatory or antibiotic ointment to prevent further infection. I recommend that you consult a dermatologist or nurse and purchase these medications based on their recommendations. Be sure to clean your skin and keep it dry before applying the medication.
During treatment, avoid using any cosmetics or products that may irritate or further irritate the damaged area. In particular, avoid using alkaline cleaners and alcohol-based products. Instead, choose gentle cleansers and moisturizers to help restore skin to a healthy state.
I would like to stress again that picking open comedones is not a recommended practice. If you have concerns or need more skin care advice, talk to a dermatologist or professional caregiver. Remember, maintaining the health and beauty of your skin requires sustained effort and patience.