Is hex prefix Ox or 0x?
The prefix of 16 is 0x, the number zero and the English letter x.

Hexadecimal (English name: hexadecimal) is the representation of data in a computer. It is different from our daily life. It consists of 0-9 and A-F, and letters are case-insensitive. The corresponding relationship with 10 is: 0-9 corresponds to 0-9; A-F corresponds to10-15; N-ary numbers can be represented by numbers from 0 to (n- 1), and those exceeding 9 are represented by letters A-F. ..

Extended data:

Decimal system, that is, carry counting system, is an artificially defined carry counting method (whether there is a carry counting method, such as the original knot counting method, the "positive" word counting method commonly used in singing tickets, and similar counting mark counting method). ?

For any binary-X system, it means that the number of each position is calculated by each X system. Decimal is a decimal one, hexadecimal is a hexadecimal one, binary is a binary one, and so on. The x system is every x carry.


Baidu encyclopedia? hexadecimal