Students? Students? Dr. Nt,' stu:-] [d? kt? Nurse? :s]driver driver [n? Farmers? ]
Singer singer [si? Writer. Writer? ] actor actor ['? kt? Actress. Actress? Artist painter
TV reporter【ri ' p? :t? ] Engineer Engineer [,end? Am I not? ]
Accounting [? Kaonte? Police (male) police [p? Li: sm? Salesman. Salesman? :s? Cleaning workers. Cleaning workers? Baseball player. :l-'plei? ] Assistant salesman [? sist? Nt] police [p? Li: s]
Fruits and vegetables (fruits/vegetables)
[fru:t]ved? It? bl]
Apple Apple ['? pl]
Banana banana [b? nɑ:n? ,-'n? -] pear pear [pε? ]
Orange ['? rind? ,'? :-]
Watermelon watermelon [w? :t? -Mel? Grape vine
Eggplant eggplant ['eɡplɑ:nt,-pl? Nt]greenbeans green beans [ω ri: n-bi: n] tomato [t?' mū:t? U] potatoes, potatoes [p? teit? U]peach [pi:t? ]
Strawberry. Strawberry? :b? Cucumber? mb? ] Onion ['? nj? Carrots. Carrots? r? Cabbage. Cabbage? Bid? ]
People, friends, friends [French] boys? I] girl girl [? : Mother and father? Sisters? Brothers and uncles; ['Uncle? Kl]man man [m? Woman woman [huh? Miss, sir, madam; Miss Reddy. Mom? Dad? Dad? d,' d\:d\:]
Parents ['p ε? r? Nt] grandparents ['r? nd,pε? r? Grandma/grandma/grandma ['?r? nd,m]
Aunt [ɑ:nt,? Nt] cousin (cousin); Cousin? z? n]
Son. Son? Daughter's daughter? :t? ] Baby, baby, baby.
Classmate, classmate queen, visitor? Neighbors. Neighbors? Principal? p? College student: How do you do? :s? ti-stju:d? Nt]penpal pen pal [pen-p? Travellers? character
Robot robot? ub? t,-b? t,r? b? Grandpa/grandfather ['?r? NDP :]/
['ɡr? nd,f \:? ]