Can plump lines be removed by plastic surgery?
The appearance of obesity lines will turn fat people from cute to disgusting. How to remove fat lines is the most effective? What method can effectively remove fat lines. Fat lines are different from ordinary wrinkles. Once formed, it is difficult to remove. What shall we do? Next, let's introduce a good method to remove obesity lines. How to remove fat lines is the most effective? Laser stimulates the damaged collagen layer to produce new collagen, which can more effectively fill the wrinkled skin caused by collagen reduction; Heating dermal tissue layer and laser mainly uses the repair function of human body to stimulate tissue regeneration and reconstruction and thicken dermal layer, thus achieving the goal. How to remove fat lines is the most effective? In addition, you can also use fruit acid for skin-changing treatment to dilute stretch marks. Now high concentration of fruit acid can increase the elasticity of collagen fiber, but it is still very dangerous if it is not handled properly. Therefore, it is suggested that you find an experienced professional doctor to determine the concentration and time of fruit acid skin replacement for your skin, so as to achieve the best effect of diluting stretch marks. How to remove fat lines is the most effective? How to remove fat lines, fat lines and stretch marks is similar to smearing a spoonful of olive oil on the stretch marks. Gently massage and stick to it for a long time, you can remove the stretch marks or make them shallow.