Ingredients: high-gluten flour 180g, low-gluten flour 20g, dry yeast 1 and 1 3 tablespoons, warm water 105ML, sugar 1 tablespoon, salt 1 teaspoon, and egg/kloc.
1, partially mix the dough, knead it until it is even and smooth, cover it, and ferment it in a warm place for 30 minutes.
2. Sprinkle some flour on the table and roll the dough into a rectangle.
3. Put margarine in the middle, wrap the dough on both sides in the middle, pinch the joints, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
4, take out the dough, roll it out, 30% off, and put it in the refrigerator for more than 10 minutes. Roll it out again, fold it three times, wake up twice (fold it three times), and then take it out and roll it into 0. A thin slice of about 3 cm.
5. Fermentation15min, shaping, placing in a warm place after shaping, and finally fermenting for 35-40min.
6. Preheat the oven 190 degrees and bake 15 minutes.
Make your own exquisite bread.
500g of high-gluten flour, 40g of sugar, 7g of salt, water, yeast 10g, 40g of butter, a cup of milk and a little egg juice.
First, mix 25 grams of flour with 125 grams of water, heat it with low fire until the batter has bubbles, and then cool it for later use.
Mix all the materials, pour in the cooled batter, stir well, and let stand 1 hour.
Make the dough into my favorite shape. What I did this time was to add sausage, ham and cheese, tuna with salad dressing and let it stand for about 50 minutes. Before baking, coat with egg liquid and bake at 180℃ for about 30 minutes.
Whole wheat fancy bread
Life is really nothing new, only the oven can add a little happiness and expectation to ordinary life:)
My first bread came out.
Materials: (JJ prescription from another ocean)
2 teaspoons of yeast powder
Warm milk120ml
48 grams of cream, 50 grams of fine sugar and 3 grams of salt.
2 whole eggs (one for brushing bread and the other for making dough)
200g of high-gluten flour and 40g of low-gluten flour.
1. Milk is hot. Dissolve the yeast powder in warm milk, not more than 40 degrees, or the poor yeast will be scalded to death.
2. Beat the sugar, salt and cream together until fluffy (just use a manual eggbeater, and I even put chopsticks), add the eggs and stir well.
3. Finally, mix the yeast milk, whipped cream and flour together. The dough is wet at first, so don't give up the operation:) I kneaded it for almost an hour. . .
4. Ferment until the dough becomes bigger 1 times, then take it out and knead it a little to prepare for fermentation again.
5. Divide the dough into small balls, preheat the oven to 100 degrees, turn off the fire, put a pot of boiling water in it, and ferment for the second time (it took me about 20 minutes).
6. Add the favorite materials, make a prototype of the bread, and put it in the oven just now 15 minutes until the dough is completely inelastic (it doesn't bounce when your finger touches it lightly).
Brush the whole egg liquid, and preheat the oven at 180 degrees for about 18 minutes.