Import java.awt.color;
Import java.awt.image;
Import java.awt.image.buffered image;
import Java . io . filenotfoundexception;
Import javax.imageio.imageio;
Import javax.servlet ... sun.image.codec.jpeg.imageformatexception;
Import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.jpegcodec;
Import com.sun.image.codec.jpegimageencoder;
* Add image watermarking service category
* */
Public class watermark {
* @param sizeContext adds watermark text.
* @param request request stream object
* @param request response stream object
* */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation ")
Public static void createmarksize (String Size Context, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) (
Try {
string path = request . getrealpath(request . getservletpath());
file inputstream in = new file inputstream(path);
image src = imageio . read(in);
int w = src . getwidth(null);
int h = src . getheight(null);
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage. TYPE _ INT _ RGB); //Build the Sketchpad
graphics g = img . get graphics(); //Take a brush
g.drawImage(src,0,0,w,h,null); //Write the source picture to the sketchpad.
g . set color(color . red);
g.drawString(sizeContext, 10,5); //Add text
g . dispose(); //Generate pictures
JPEGImageEncoder e = JPEG codec . createjpegencoder(response . get output stream());
e . encode(img);
response.getOutputStream()。 close();
} catch(file not found exception e){
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (ImageFormatException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
* @param localPath Add watermark LOGO path.
* @param request request stream object
* @param request response stream object
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation ")
Public static void createMarkLogo (string localPath, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) {
Try {
file inputstream file = new file inputstream(local path);
image fimg = imageio . read(file);
int fw = fimg . getwidth(null);
int FH = fimg . get height(null);
string path = request . getrealpath(request . getservletpath());
file inputstream in = new file inputstream(path);
image src = imageio . read(in);
int w = src . getwidth(null);
int h = src . getheight(null);
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage. TYPE _ INT _ RGB); //Build the Sketchpad
graphics g = img . get graphics(); //Take a brush
g.drawImage(src,0,0,w,h,null); //Write the original image to the drawing board.
g.drawImage(fimg,w-20,h- 15,fw,fh,null); //Write the watermark image into the drawing board.
g . dispose(); //Generate pictures
JPEGImageEncoder e = JPEG codec . createjpegencoder(response . get output stream());
e . encode(img);
response.getOutputStream()。 close();
} catch(file not found exception e){
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (ImageFormatException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
* @param localPath Add watermark image path
* @param request request stream object
* @param request response stream object
* @param width The width of the watermark image
* @param height The length of the watermark picture.
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation ")
public static void createMarkLogo(String local path,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,int width,int height) {
Try {
file inputstream file = new file inputstream(local path);
image fimg = imageio . read(file);
int fw = fimg . getwidth(null);
int FH = fimg . get height(null);
string path = request . getrealpath(request . getservletpath());
file inputstream in = new file inputstream(path);
image src = imageio . read(in);
int w = src . getwidth(null); //w filters the screen width for you.
int h = src . getheight(null); //h Filter the length of the picture for you.
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(w+ width, h+ height, buffered image. TYPE _ INT _ RGB); //Build the artboard (the width of the artboard is the sum of two pictures)
graphics g = img . get graphics(); //Take a brush
g.drawImage(src,0,0,w,h,null); //Write the original image to the drawing board.
g.drawImage(fimg,width,height,fw,fh,null); //Write the watermark image into the drawing board.
g . dispose(); //Generate pictures
JPEGImageEncoder e = JPEG codec . createjpegencoder(response . get output stream());
e . encode(img);
response.getOutputStream()。 close();
} catch(file not found exception e){
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (ImageFormatException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
Pay attention to the annotation of the third method, g.drawimage (fimg, width, height, fw, FH, null); According to the parameters, you are adjusting the hue (below the original).
Filter call
Package com.jc.ts.filter;
Import javax.servlet.filter;
Import javax.servlet.filterchain;
Import javax.servlet.filterconfig;
Import javax.servlet.servletexception;
Import javax.servlet.servletrequest;
Import javax.servlet.servletresponse;
Import javax.servlet ...;
The public class WaterFilter implements the filter {
public void destroy() {
// TODO automatically generated method stub
public void do filter(servlet request arg 0,ServletResponse arg 1,
FilterChain arg2) raises IOException, ServletException {
http servlet request request =(http servlet request)arg 0;
HttpServletResponse = (httpservlet response) arg1;
//WaterMark.createMarkSize ("Nanjing ts", request, response);
//watermark.createmarklogo ("d: \ \ workspace \ \ mybook \ \ webroot \ \ images \ \ logo \ \ book.jpg", request, response);
watermark . create mark logo(" D:\ \ workspace \ \ mybook \ \ WebRoot \ \ images \ \ logo \ \ book . jpg ",request,response,20,30);
//Note that the path is absolute, and the three effects cannot be executed at the same time.
Public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
// TODO automatically generated method stub
Web.xml configuration (written on servlet)
& lt filter & gt
& lt/description & gt; this is the description of my J2EE component & lt/description >
& lt/display-name & gt; this is the display name of my J2EE component & lt/display-name >
& lt/filter-name & gt; water filter & lt/filter-name >
& ltfilter-class & gt; com . JC . ts . filter . water filter & lt; /filter-class & gt;
& lt/filter & gt;