In ancient times, before the heaven and earth were formed, there was only a vague state without a specific shape. This state was dark, deep, chaotic, and unclear, and it was impossible to know its doorway. At that time, two gods, Yin and Yang, were born at the same time, and together they created the heaven and earth; they were so far-reaching that they didn’t know their end, and they were so broad that they didn’t know their edges. At this time, the yin and yang of heaven and earth are separated and scattered into four directions and eight poles. The two qi of yin and yang interact with each other, and all things are produced from them. Here, the chaotic Qi produces fish, birds, beasts, and insects, while the pure Qi produces human beings. Therefore, the human spirit belongs to heaven, and the human body belongs to the earth. If after death, the spirit belongs to heaven and the body belongs to the earth, then what remains of "I"? Therefore, saints follow the rules of heaven and earth, conform to human nature, are not bound by the world, and are not tempted by human desires. They regard heaven as their father, earth as their mother, and the changes of yin and yang and the movement of the four seasons as their criteria. The sky is clear and quiet, and the earth is calm and peaceful. All things will die without it and survive depending on it.
Quiet desert is the residence of gods; nothingness is the residence of Tao. Therefore, if you only pursue external things, you will lose the maintenance and persistence of your inner spiritual world. In turn, you will always be worried about certain things, which will affect the health of the human body. This is like the relationship between the roots and the top of a tree, which fundamentally pulls the trunk of the tree, and all the branches and leaves of the tree shake accordingly.
The human spirit is obtained from heaven; while the body is obtained from the earth. Therefore, it is said that "Tao generates the two qi of yin and yang, and the two qi of yin and yang produce the qi of neutralization. All things are produced from the qi of neutralization. All things carry yin and embrace yang, and the yin and yang stir up to form the qi of harmony." Therefore, the process of human life is: one month to form a fat, two months to become a lump, three months to form a fetus, four months to develop muscles, five months to grow tendons, and six months to grow bones. It takes seven months to form a human, eight months to move, nine months to rest in the mother's womb, and ten months to be born. Once the human body is formed, the inner five internal organs are also formed. Therefore, the lungs govern the eyes, the kidneys govern the nose, the bile governs the mouth, and the liver governs the ears. The external five sense organs and the internal five internal organs are opened and closed, and they are each related to each other. Therefore, the human head is round, like the sky, and the feet are square, like the earth. Heaven has four seasons, five elements, nine major divisions, and 366 days. Humans also have four limbs, five internal organs, nine orifices, and 360 meridians. There are wind, rain, cold and heat in the sky, and people also have their own joys and angers. Therefore, in this way, the gallbladder can be matched with clouds, the lungs can be matched with qi, the liver can be matched with wind, the kidneys can be matched with rain, and the spleen can be matched with thunder, so as to harmonize with the nature of heaven and earth, and the heart is the dominant element. Therefore, human ears and eyes are like the sun and moon in the sky, and qi and blood are like the wind and rain of nature. There is a three-legged crow in the sun, and a toad in the moon. If the sun and the moon do not move according to the routine, there will be a dim solar and lunar eclipse; if the wind and rain fall out of season, crops will be destroyed and disasters will occur; if the five stars move abnormally, the country it corresponds to will suffer.
The way of heaven and earth is grand and profound, but we still need to be restrained and cherish its brilliance. How can human ears and eyes be tired for a long time without rest? How can the human spirit gallop for a long time without being exhausted? Therefore, it is said that human qi, blood and five internal organs are the essence of human beings. If blood energy can be focused and concentrated within the five internal organs without overflowing, then the five internal organs in the chest and abdomen will be enriched and cravings will be reduced. If the five internal organs are enriched and cravings are reduced, the ears and eyes will be clear and the sight and hearing will be smooth. Having clear ears and eyes, and smooth vision and hearing is called "brightness". The five internal organs can belong to the heart and not go against the heart. In this way, the strong Qi will dominate and make people behave erratically and eccentrically. The person's spirit will be strong but the essence will not be released. If the spirit is strong and the essence does not leak out, it will be smooth. If it is smooth, it will be mixed evenly. If it is mixed well, it will be accessible and unobstructed. If it is unobstructed, it will produce magical abilities. This ability enables people to see everything and hear everything, and nothing is impossible. In this way, worries and disasters will not invade, and evil spirits and evil winds will not invade.
Therefore, there are some things that you can pursue and search for but cannot get from all over the world, and some things that you can keep within the body but cannot be effective. Therefore, if you are greedy for more, you will get less; if you see big things, you will know very little. The five senses and seven orifices of a person are the doors and windows of the spirit, while Qi and blood are the messengers of the five internal organs. If the ears and eyes are indulged in sounds and colors, then the five internal organs will be turbulent. If the five internal organs are turbulent, then the blood energy will be agitated. If the blood is constantly agitated, the spirit will be galloping outward and unable to guard within. If the spirit is racing outside and cannot be maintained, then disaster will come. Even if the disaster is as big as a hill, you will not be able to feel it. Therefore, if you keep your ears and eyes sharp and unobstructed without being tempted by the outside world, your spirit and mind with a quiet and peaceful mind without cravings, your five internal organs with peace and fullness without leaking out, and your spirit that stays within your heart without overstepping outside, then even the distant past and future will There are not enough things for you to know, let alone just being aware of some misfortunes and blessings in front of you! Therefore, it is said that "the further the spirit escapes from the heart, the less it knows." This fully shows that the spirit cannot be leaked and dissipated. Therefore, the five colors confuse the eyes, making them dim and unclear; the five sounds confuse the ears, making them clogged and deaf; the five tastes disturb the taste of the tongue, making the mouth numb and tasteless; the pursuit of fame and fortune confuses the mind, causing people to act unruly. These four things are used by ordinary people in the world to maintain their health, but in fact they are a burden in life. Therefore, it is said that desires make people's energy disperse, while love and hatred make people exhausted. If they are not eliminated quickly, people's energy and blood will be exhausted day by day.
What is the reason why people cannot enjoy a long life and are killed midway through execution? It's because the conditions for these people to maintain their health are too favorable. Only those who do not overly pursue favorable living conditions can live forever.
Heaven and earth move together, and all things belong to the way of heaven. Those who understand the Tao understand everything; those who do not understand the Tao understand nothing. For example, we are between heaven and earth, and we are actually a species among all things. Don’t you know that everything in the world is specially prepared for us? Or did everything exist before we existed? However, we humans are also "things", and other things are also "things". Is it necessary for "things" to call each other "things"? Because of this, nothing will be added to the world if we are born, and nothing will be diminished if we are killed. Since heaven and earth have created us as human beings, there is no need for us to disobey the creation of heaven and earth. How do I know that using acupuncture treatment to stay alive is not a fool's errand? How do I know that hanging myself with a rope is not a blessing? Perhaps the living seem to be doing hard labor, while the dead seem to be resting. The world is really at a loss, who can understand the mystery of this. Therefore, I will not stop the creation of heaven and earth from giving birth to me, and I will not stop it from destroying me. It's human nature to want to live, but you don't have to bother trying to survive; it's human nature to hate death, but when death is imminent, who can refuse it? There is no need to hold a grudge when you are criticized, and there is no need to be complacent when you are praised. Let God's will and fortune be yours, nature is peaceful and leisurely, and there is no need to be anxious. I have a body of seven feet in my life, and I can be buried in a coffin when I die. When alive, they are placed in the category of tangible things, but after death, they are reduced to the category of intangible things. In this way, if I live, the world's material will not increase, and if I die, the soil of the earth will not become thicker. From this, how can I know whether I should be happy or hateful, whether it is beneficial or harmful? ?
The Creator makes objects, just as a potter makes pottery. Those who take soil and clay from the ground to make pots and utensils have nothing to do with it when it is still in the ground before it is dug out and made into. They are different; those that have been made into utensils and then broken into pieces and scattered back into the soil are no different from the made pots. People who live near the river draw water from the river to irrigate their vegetable gardens, and the river will never hold a grudge against it. Households affected by water in lowlands will introduce sewage into the river, and the sewage will never be happy about it. Because when the water is used for irrigation and the water is in the river, there is no difference between the two; similarly when the water is in the ditch and the water is in the river, there is no difference between the two. Therefore, the sage conforms to the current situation and is content with his position, adapts to the times and is happy with his career.
Being sad or happy is a deviation from virtue; being moody is a damage to the Tao; having clear likes and dislikes is a violation of the heart. Therefore, it is said that "life is like the natural movement of heaven and earth, and death is like the natural change of matter. When it is still, it is closed with the yin energy, and when it is moving, it is opened together with the yang energy." If the spirit is indifferent and free of attachment, and does not dissipate with the material world, then the world will naturally surrender. Therefore, the heart is the master of the body; and the spirit is the treasure of the heart. The body will be damaged if it is overworked without rest, and the mind will be exhausted if it is overused. Therefore, saints value and follow this principle and dare not violate it.
Once a person owns a Xia Hou clan's jade, they will use a box to collect it, because the jade is the most precious treasure. The preciousness of spirit is far beyond the comparison of Xiahou's Huangyu. Therefore, if a sage uses the spirit of emptiness to deal with tangible matter, he will definitely be able to explore the enlightenment; if he accepts reality with emptiness and tranquility, he will definitely be able to explore the truth and details; if a sage enjoys emptiness and tranquility, he will spend his days in peace. Therefore, he has no special alienation or closeness to external things; he just upholds the virtues of nature, embraces neutrality, obeys nature, becomes one with "Tao", and accompanies "virtue"; he does not start for blessings. , do not be the first to cause trouble, the soul is within the body, the spirit maintains its roots, and neither death nor life can disturb his spirit. So he has reached the realm of God.
The so-called true person is one whose nature is integrated with Tao. Therefore, he is both tangible and intangible, real and nihilistic; he is single-minded in spirit and does not care about anything else; he pays attention to inner cultivation and is not tempted by external things; he is pure and simple, doing nothing and returning to simplicity, and his body embraces the spirit. , wandering between heaven and earth, wandering dazedly outside the world, carefree in the initial chaotic state of the universe. He has a big heart and does not hide any cleverness or cunning in his heart. Therefore, even major events such as life and death cannot make him change; not even the earth is turned upside down can make him change. He treats his flawless nature prudently, does not mix it with external things, and sticks to his roots in the face of the chaotic world. In this way, he forgot his liver and gallbladder, left behind his ears and eyes, and concentrated on inner cultivation, integrating his spirit and Tao. When he was living, he didn't know what he was doing, and when he was moving, he didn't know where he was going. He left in a hazy state and came in a trance. His body is like a gaunt tree, his heart is as gray as ashes, he has forgotten his five internal organs and damaged his body. He can understand without learning, see without seeing, achieve without doing, and cure without caring. He reacts only when he is touched, acts only when forced, and goes only when he has no choice. He shines like light, like a shadow imitating the shape of matter. He takes Tao as the criterion and relies on the "Tao body" to perform like this. He adheres to the fundamentals of heaven and does not indulge in it, so external things cannot disturb his mind. He opens up the void, is quiet and peaceful, without any thoughts or worries. Therefore, the swamps burned but could not make him feel the heat, the rivers froze but could not make him feel the cold, the thunder exploded on the mountain peaks but could not frighten him, and the dark wind could not hurt him. Therefore, he regards pearls and jade as stones, the supreme emperor as a passer-by, and Mao Qiang and Xi Shi as an ugly girl. He regards death and life as a kind of change, regards all things as the same species, unites his spirit with the root of heaven and wanders in the boundless area. He has essence but does not use it, he has magical skills but does not show them, and he is integrated with the pure and simple Tao and is based on the realm of tranquility and emptiness.
Therefore, a real person does not dream while sleeping, his wisdom does not arise, his yin soul does not suppress, and his yang soul does not ascend. He goes round and round without knowing the beginning or the end. Although he sleeps peacefully in the long night, he can clearly see everything in the bright world; he can rest in the limitless area and travel in the shapeless realm. When he lives, he has no specific shape, and when he lives, he has no specific residence; he moves without leaving traces, and when he is still, he has no form; he exists as if he is dead, and he is alive as if he is dead; he can go in and out of places without gaps, and he can Serving devils and gods; he can enter unfathomable places and be in places where there is no space. This is how the real person transforms into different forms, spinning like a circle from the beginning to the end, and it is impossible to understand the inspiration in it. This is the secret of the real spirit being able to access the "Tao". These are the behaviors of real people.
Those who brag about breathing, exhale filthy air and breathe in fresh air, hang like a bear, stretch their neck like a bird, float like a duck, jump like an ape, look around like an eagle, look back like a tiger, are just If you want to take care of your body, real people don’t have to worry about these guidance techniques. Because the real person will not lose his full vitality even if his spirit is high and agitated, and the changes in day and night will not harm him. He has youthful vitality like all things. This is because his character is in line with the Tao and he has the ability to sense the changes in the four seasons in his heart. ability. Some people's bodies have changed, but their inner minds remain intact. Some people's lives have ended, but their spirits remain intact and will last forever. This is like a person suffering from leprosy, although his body is damaged but his spirit is intact and his aspirations remain unchanged. On the other hand, although some insane patients appear to be physically intact, their spirit is far away from their body. Who has the time to find out what he has done? Therefore, if there is a person whose body has been worn but whose spirit has not changed, then such a person can cope with changes without changing; even if external objects are ever-changing and become fruitless, he can still cope with it. Therefore, the shape that can change will eventually return to formlessness, but the spirit will not die but can coexist with heaven and earth. When a tree dies, its green color disappears. Where is the thing that allows trees to survive, the trees themselves? Just as it is not the form itself that fills it. Therefore, the thing that produces life is immortal, and the life it produces will die; the thing that nurtures all things is unchanging, but the all things it nurtures will change. Therefore, if you look down on the world, your spirit will not be tired; if you look at small things, your mind will not be confused; if you look at life and death as the same, then you will be fearless; if you look at change as no change, your eyes will not be confused. You won't get dizzy. The mediocre people may think that what I say is all nonsense, but I will give examples of this kind to illustrate.
The reason why people are keen to be the emperor and monarch is because the emperor and monarch can satisfy the desires of the eyes and ears and make the body comfortable. Most people think that those pavilions with towering balconies are magnificent, but Emperor Yao's houses used uncut trees to make rafters, and the ends of beams and columns were not decorated with carvings, and there were no complicated brackets and so on. structure; there are also those rare foods that most people think are delicious, but Emperor Yao ate rough meals and drank soup made from wild vegetables; and those brocade clothes embroidered with colorful patterns and pure white fox fur clothes , most people like it, but Emperor Yao used linen to cover his body and deerskin to keep out the cold. Emperor Yao's health conditions were not better than those of ordinary people, but he had many more worries caused by heavy affairs than ordinary people. Therefore, Yao surrendered the world to Shun, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. This was not just for one reason. It is not a reputation for humility and virtue, but the throne is not worth anything to Yao, and there is really nothing to cherish. This is a specific example of "taking the world lightly". Xia Yu went on an inspection tour to the south. When he was crossing the Yangtze River, a yellow dragon swam out of the water and lifted up the boat Xia Yu and the others were riding on. The people on the boat were frightened and their expressions changed, but Yu smiled calmly and said, "I have been ordered to do so." I work hard for the people. When I live, I live between heaven and earth. After death, I will return to the natural earth. How can I disturb my peaceful state of mind for life and death?" In Xia Yu's eyes, this yellow dragon is like a little one. It was a small lizard, so its expression remained unchanged, and the yellow dragon finally ran away with its ears drooped and its tail turned. This is a specific example of "all things subtle". The shaman of Zheng looked at Huzilin's face and saw the ominous sign on Huzilin's face, and told Liezi about it. Liezi cried and went to report to his teacher Huzi. Unexpectedly, Huzi told Liezi that human life originated from heaven and earth and returned to nature. Under this philosophy of life, "fame and wealth" cannot be taken into consideration at all. If the arrow of death suddenly shoots out, there is no point in being afraid. . This is a specific example of Huzi's "life and death together". Ziqiu was fifty-four years old and suffered from rickets. His spine was higher than the top of his head, his chest bones were close to his cheeks, his thighs were upward, and his lower body was facing the sky. Ziqiu climbed to the edge of the well and looked at himself, and then said: "Great Ah! How did the Creator turn me into such a wonderfully curved shape?" This is a specific example of Ziqiu's "same transformation". Therefore, by looking at Yao's abdication of the throne, we can know the insignificance of the emperor's throne; by looking at Yu's ambition, we can know the smallness of all things; by inferring Huzi's words, we can know the difference between life and death; by looking at Ziqiu's behavior, we can know the difference between life and death. You can know that change and change are the same.
The perfect person relies on the unshakable pillar and walks on the road without barriers; he uses the inexhaustible treasure house and learns from the immortal teacher; therefore, he will have success no matter where he goes, no matter where he ends up. Everything is smooth everywhere; he does not worry about survival, and does not worry about death; he bends, stretches, bends, and tilts, and changes naturally by adhering to the destiny; misfortunes, blessings, benefits, and harms, no matter how they change, they cannot make him nervous or worried. ! People like this, who embrace the spirit of being vegan, are like cicadas shedding their shells and snakes shedding their skins. They are freed from the secular world and wander in the Taiqing Heavenly Way. They are light and elegant, come and go alone, and enter the deep and dark places in a trance. . The phoenix can't compete with him, let alone the mediocre bird? The power, status, title and fortune are not worthy of his concern.
Yanzi and Cui Zhu of Qi State swore an alliance in the ancestral temple. Faced with the threat of death, Yanzi did not change his righteous integrity of not submitting to the regicide and traitorous ministers but being loyal to the country. Qi Liang and Hua Zhou attacked Ju for Qi, but were surrounded and in a desperate situation. The king of Ju thought of their bravery and offered them a lot of money to bribe them to stop the fighting, but they did not change their loyalty to Qi until their death. Therefore, you can use "benevolence" to persuade people like Yan Zi, but you can't use weapons to coerce them; you can use "righteousness" to restrain people like Qiliang and Hua Zhou, but you can't use wealth to lure them. Gentlemen who die for righteousness cannot use wealth and wealth to induce them to live in vain; those who act for "righteousness" cannot use death to threaten them. These people who act for "righteousness" are not restricted by material desires, let alone those who do nothing! Yao did not regard possessing the world as a sign of dignity, so he abdicated the throne to Shun; Wu Gongzi Jizha did not regard possessing a country as a sign of dignity, so he refused to accept the throne given to him by his elder brother; Zihan did not regard possession of precious jade as a sign of wealth. Therefore, he did not accept the jade given to him by others; Wu Guang did not want to sacrifice his life and harm his loyalty, so he was willing to throw himself into the abyss and drown. From this point of view, the acquisition of the highest dignity is not accomplished by titles, and the possession of the greatest wealth is not measured by money. The world is big enough, but Yao gave it to others; body and life are precious enough, but Wu Guang threw his own life into the abyss. In addition to the world and life, there is nothing more precious and worthy of nostalgia than them, but Yao and Wuguang did not hesitate to give up these, truly not being burdened by things. Because they are not tired of things, they no longer regard the world as extremely precious. From this, if we examine the theories of the above-mentioned real people or supreme beings, delve into the moral will, and use this theory and will as a standard to examine and measure many worldly behaviors, we will feel ashamed of these worldly actions. Therefore, if you are familiar with Xu You's thoughts on conquering the world, then books on governing the country and seeking to conquer the world such as "Golden Ribbon" and "Leopard Tao" can be abandoned; compared with Yanling's Jizi who refused to accept the throne of Wu, those who wanted to win the remaining land And those who argue should feel ashamed; similarly, compared with Zihan who is not greedy for treasures and jade, those who compete for deeds seem to be low-level and ugly; thinking of Wuguang's integrity that does not want to be stained by the world, those who are greedy for profit and gain are Will feel uneasy. Therefore, those who do not know how to maintain great integrity do not know that living in an ignoble life is not worth coveting; those who have never accepted lofty thoughts and speeches do not know that the world is not worth cherishing. Nowadays, in remote places in remote villages, people worship social gods, and the local people play music by banging pots and bottles, singing in harmony, and amusing themselves. On the other hand, if you beat the big drum or hit the big bell for these people, they will feel uncomfortable and confused, and will think that the vase they are knocking is so insignificant and embarrassing. Those who, despite possessing "poems" and "books" and practicing literary theory, do not understand the grand purpose of the Tao, are similar to these pot-bangers and bottle-bangers.
And those who do not respect the world are like these people who beat drums and bells. Noble power and generous profits are what most people covet; if someone holds the territory of the world that represents his possession in his left hand, and kills himself with a knife in his right hand, then even the most stupid person will not be willing to do so. of. It can be seen that life is still more important than occupying the world. Therefore, the sage only eats to maintain his life, and wears clothes to cover his body, satisfying people's basic needs without seeking superfluous things. For him, if he does not possess the world, he will not lose his nature, and if he possesses it, it will not disturb his peaceful nature. To a saint, possessing the world and not possessing it are the same. If someone is given a granary and a big river now, so that he can eat when he is hungry and drink when he is thirsty, but what he eats and drinks in his belly is just a bamboo tube of rice and a ladle of water. Nor will the granaries and rivers run dry because he is full of food and drink. Therefore, whether there is a granary or a river has nothing to do with his hunger and fullness; with a granary and a river, he will not hold on and drink water to death; without a granary and a river, he will not starve or be exhausted. Whether there is a granary or a well has nothing to do with it. It's the same for him. A person's anger will destroy his yin energy, his joy will damage his yang energy, his worries will destroy his internal organs, and his fear will make him crazy. The best way to eliminate the above-mentioned mental worries and burdens is to not deviate from the fundamental body of "Tao". If we can do this, it is called complete "access". Therefore, to keep your eyes bright, it is best not to look at the colorful things; to keep your ears quiet, it is best not to listen to obscene sounds; to keep your mouth closed, it is best not to talk too much; to keep your mind open, it is best not to talk too much. Breeds worries and evil thoughts. Abandon cleverness and ingenuity and return to simplicity to a pure and pure state, recuperate the spirit and abandon wisdom and deceit. Being awake is like dreaming, living is like dying, and finally returns to the original stage of nature, integrating man and the Creator. Because life and death are inherently interdependent and inseparable.
Those who worked hard held up shovels to dig soil and carried baskets on their backs to transport soil. They were sweating, panting, and their throats were sore from smoke. At this time, he will feel comfortable and happy if he can rest for a while under the shade of a tree. And if you can rest in a cave, the happiness and comfort will be more than just resting under the shade of a tree. A patient with a tumor in his abdomen was so painful that he held his heart and pressed his abdomen, bent over and touched his head and knees, curled up and moaned, and could not sleep all night long. At this time, if he can sleep peacefully, his parents and brothers will be happy. And if he could have peace all night, the joy and relaxation of serving his parents and brothers would not be so small. Therefore, those who know the vastness of the universe cannot use life and death to coerce them; those who know how to maintain their health with the spirit of neutrality cannot use the world's power and wealth to seduce them; those who know the happiness before birth are Don't scare him with death; people who understand that Xu You is nobler than Yu Shun will not be greedy for material enjoyment. It would be better if the wall were standing up than if it collapsed, not to mention there is no wall at all! It would be better if the frozen ice melted, not to mention that there was no ice at all! From nothing to something, from something to nothing, this transformation of life and death into something and nothing is endless, and no one knows how it happens. How can a person who does not understand the "inside and outside" be free from love and hate? The external area without external edges is infinite; the internal subtlety without internal limits is precious. If you can know the infinite magnitude and infinite subtlety, what else can't be fulfilled!
Morality has declined in recent times, and people have tended to adhere to those doctrines that ignore the fundamental and pursue the inferior. They do not know how to investigate nature and return to the basics. They only deliberately carve out and cover up the violation of human nature in order to interact with the world. Therefore, their eyes want to see the colorful things, but they can't dare because there are laws prohibiting them; although their hearts are fond of it, they don't dare to do it because of the restrictions of etiquette; so that people can only follow left and right, circle up and down, and grovel. If the meat is frozen, you will not dare to eat it; if the wine is too clear, you will not dare to drink it. It restrains normal behavior and behavior, binds inner virtue, suppresses the harmony of yin and yang, and suppresses the true feelings of life, so he eventually becomes a tragic figure. This is not the case for people who have access to the Taoist body. They straighten out their temperament and cultivate their mental skills; they use peaceful energy to maintain their mind and nature, and use leisure and tranquility to maintain their true nature. They are happy with the Tao and forget their baseness, and are content with virtue and forget their poverty; they are born with no desires, so there is nothing they cannot achieve; they do not pursue happiness in their heart, so there is nothing unhappy; they do not take things that are not beneficial to their nature. He does not disturb his inner peace by doing things that are not suitable for a pure nature. Therefore, people who understand Taoism relax their bodies and soothe their minds. This law of cultivating body and nature can become a model for people all over the world.
Today's Confucianism does not explore the origin of people's desires but just prohibits people's desires. It does not explore the origin of people's pursuit of enjoyment but just blocks people's enjoyment. This approach is like digging up the source of a river and blocking its flow with your palms. Similarly, managing the people is like raising animals. If you don't block the gaps in the garden wall properly, the animals will have the ambition to escape, and then you will restrain the legs and feet of these animals to prevent them from escaping. In this way, you want to make them cultivate their moral character and live a long life. How can it be done? OK? Therefore, although Yan Hui, Ji Lu, Zixia, and Ran Boniu were all disciples of Confucius who were well-versed in learning, Yan Hui died early, Zilu was chopped into pieces in Weiguo, Zixia cried blindly after losing his son, and Ran Boniu lost his sight. They suffer from serious diseases because they force their nature to go against their temperament and damage their neutral energy. Therefore, when Zixia saw Zengzi, he was now thin and now fat. Zengzi felt strange and asked Zixia why. Zixia replied: "Going out to see wealth can bring a lot of happiness, so I also want to be rich and happy; when I return home, I will learn the ways of the former kings. He also fell in love with the way of the former king. The two often clashed in the inner world, so they were torn apart. In the end, the way of the former king won, so he became fat again." After studying the meaning of Zi Xia's words, we can know. It's not that Xia doesn't covet wealth and luxury, he just suppresses his emotions, blocks his desires, and uses "righteousness" to protect himself. In this way, the mood is depressed and depressed, and the nature of the human body is distorted and deformed. Even so, people are still forced to suppress themselves, so they cannot enjoy their remaining years. This is not the case for those who have mastered the Taoist body. They eat according to their appetite, dress according to their body shape, swim according to their own needs, act according to the mood, abandon the world without greed, abandon all things without seeking benefit, and live in the world. In the vast sky, traveling in boundless areas, ascending to space, relying on the way of heaven, and playing with the world in the palm of your hand, how can you lose weight and gain weight while worrying about wealth and poverty? Therefore, Confucianism cannot make people have no desires, but can only prohibit people's desires; it cannot make people have no thoughts of enjoyment, but can only prohibit people's enjoyment. This method of making people in the world not dare to steal just because they are afraid of punishment is not as good as the method of preventing people from having the idea of ??stealing at all.
If the Yue people get a big snake, they will treat it as a fine meal, while if the Central Plains people get a big snake, they will throw it away because they have no habit of eating snakes. Therefore, if he knows that something is useless, even a very greedy person will refuse it; if he does not know that something is useless, even a very honest person cannot give it to others. The reason why some monarchs have ruined their country and family, destroyed their country, died at the hands of others, and been ridiculed by others is all due to their excessive pursuit of unreasonable desires.
Qiu Yu was greedy for bribes from the big bell and perished his country; the king of Yu was captured by the Jin army because he was greedy for the jade; Duke Xian of Jin was greedy for the beauty of Li Ji, which led to the turmoil of the fourth generation of Jin; Duke Huan of Qi was greedy and easy to eat. After his death, the body rotted and could not be buried on time after the delicacies offered by Ya. King Hu indulged in the entertainment of female musicians and lost a large amount of good land. If these five monarchs could be at ease with their own natures, abandon those undue desires, limit themselves to their normal natural needs, and not be greedy due to the temptation of external material things, how could they have caused such great harm? Therefore, it is said that if you shoot without arrows, you will not be able to hit the target, but the fundamental thing for those who learn archery is not to make arrows; if there is no bridle for driving, you will not be able to drive, but the fundamental thing for those who learn to drive is not to make bridles. Understand that fans are of no use to you in winter and leather jackets in summer, and then all useless things will become as small and insignificant as dust in your eyes. Therefore, if you ladle soup to stop the water from boiling, the water will still continue to boil. Only by understanding the meaning of the word "fundamental" can we stop the water from boiling. That is, we only need to remove the fire in the furnace, that is, remove the source of the fire. The water stops boiling.