First, Bridgette looks dull, slender and tall, suitable for simple shapes with simple colors but not for exaggerated shapes with heavy makeup.
Bridgette is pale and has no features. In addition, she is tall and slender, which is actually more suitable for the elegant dress of the orientals. It is best to wear simple clothes, and the makeup is also the kind that deepens her five senses. There's no need to dress up. She is not suitable for wearing colorful clothes and exaggerated makeup, which will make her skin look dirty and unclear. Bright clothes will also make people pay more attention to her flat figure. Anyway, she is not suitable for the Kardashian sisters.
Secondly, Kardashian sisters are typical European and American figures. Europeans and Americans have deep facial features and pale skin, which are more suitable for gorgeous and exaggerated colors and shapes. Therefore, Kardashian sisters look good in this orange and purple skirt.
Kardashian sisters are representatives of European and American figures, and their facial features are deeply exaggerated. White skin in Europe and America is also suitable for heavy makeup and colorful dresses. Moreover, the Kardashian sisters wear such gorgeous clothes to show off on the red carpet. As long as they can attract everyone's attention, they don't care whether they look good or not. Although the Kardashian sisters dress well, this style is actually quite rustic.
Third, Bridgette and her little sister should only dress up for the party, which is also a relatively private aesthetic. I respect her choice.
Bridget and her little sister imitate the modelling of Kardashian sisters, which should be her dress for the party, in order to attract her little sister's attention for fun. This is a more personal dress. I respect her personal choice, but I still advise her not to wear this type of clothes when she walks on the red carpet.
In a word, I am not surprised that the Bridget sisters imitate the modelling of the Kardashian sisters. I feel that it is not suitable for Bridget.