The original title is "Destiny has changed, but I am still the same me" (2006)
Lily Cole walked over from a distance. In the vast crowd of Paris, a tall girl with long red hair appeared. It's Paris Fashion Week, and the crowded city of Paris is filled with an atmosphere of tension and anticipation.
Lily Cole is still wearing heavy makeup. A few minutes ago she was the world's top supermodel, standing on the top floor of Ville Lumiè to pose for Christian Lacroix Lacroix) catwalk; she is an ordinary girl walking on the Avenue Saint-Martin. It was probably an ordinary day like this when she was discovered by Storm Models while walking in London's SOHO district - she was hanging out with her friends, and then, as many famous models say, she was discovered by a talent scout. .
Lily Cole, 18 years old, a girl with a face as beautiful as an English rose, thus began her extraordinary modeling career.
We sat down in the restaurant, and all the waiters immediately stopped and looked at her. It was obvious that they were all fascinated by her beauty.
"Waiter, two cups of milk tea!"
She didn't seem to be aware of the commotion she caused, maybe because the coffee machine was so close to us that we almost had to shout. Hearing each other's voices, it may be that she has been to too many shows and is too tired to speak loudly.
“Then I found myself on a plane, taking photos for Vogue Brazil. It was one of those days where ‘you go out in the morning as if nothing had happened, and when you come back in the evening everything has changed’, as if Ali As the fairy tale "Baba and the Forty Thieves" tells it - someone puts a mark on your door, and your life is completely different.
Maybe it's fate, Lily. Cole’s life changed forever.
“I lived in Notting Hill, which was not as prosperous as it is now. When I was studying, I often went out with my friends and lived a normal life. Everything was so sudden - I started not being able to attend half of my classes and had to study on the plane to make up for them. I remember staying in a four-star hotel for the first time in Portugal. The hotel was like a castle to me. The rooms were amazing! I excitedly called my mother to tell her what I had seen. I also can’t forget my first show, Anna Sui, I was absolutely terrified! Later, my sister and I watched the fashion channel and thought that we would definitely not succeed. "
But Lily Cole did succeed, and she still got A's in every course in school.
"I can't be proud, because this job is completely based on luck. Earn, not work. I am still the real me, and I have to constantly fight against my inner fragility and self-confidence. I see some models who only deal with famous makeup artists and completely ignore or even be rude to assistants they don't know. At this time, I tell myself: 'Lily (Lily Cole), you absolutely can't do this. . 'I believe that only by treating others with sincere enthusiasm and kindness can you be physically and mentally healthy, but I am also afraid that one day I will not be able to control myself..."
Lily Cole shook her hair, all The waiter stared at her, completely fascinated by her.
“As a cold model, you should be passionate in life. I like caring about others, just like my sister. She is now going to Nepal with a charity; I am also very interested in acting, and I will move to New York soon - I have signed up for acting classes; I also want to try to be a director, but I know that in my case It's a bit too early to say this. ”
Lily Cole’s expression became very serious, her light blue eyes staring at the steaming milk tea cup. She slowly sipped the milk tea, and the surroundings were still chaotic.
p>“My mother has always encouraged me to believe in myself. Her teachings made me fall in love with writing, reading and expression; she helped me shape a personality that transcended aesthetics. My childhood was not surrounded by material things (after supermodels become famous, do they always feel like they have had a hard time and finally have a happy life?) because my family was very poor. My father left us very early and my mother fell ill. The two sisters have lived on government subsidies since childhood and took care of the housework by ourselves. "I remember a fight with my sister over not doing the dishes, and I remember Macaroni Cheese and my first cooking 'experiments.' I've always loved desserts, but never followed a recipe. Before, I used to mix up whatever I could find. ——Even the petals are used!
“I don’t think I’m influenced by fashion that much, and to this day I still feel like I dress like a hippie. I hated shopping, preferring reading, walking, going out for drinks with friends, hanging out in Notting Hill, and saying hello to the post office clerks - they were nice enough to always keep a copy of the magazine with my photo in it for my mum. "
Lily Cole looked at her watch and it was time to leave, so we said goodbye.
She slowly disappeared into the crowd, like a scene in a movie. Maybe One day she will make a good movie.