If you purchase goods directly from the factory, two or three brands will appear in the same batch of goods (Japanese orders and European orders are more common). Except for the different trademarks, there is no difference in fabric and lathe work. At most, there are differences in lace, buttons and some details, but the quality is equivalent. The trademarks and washing labels of each brand are number-matched, so don't worry, because this situation is caused by the clothing ordering process in these two countries.
Brand company-> Trading company or trading company (there are foreign and domestic links, and generally the decisive one refers to foreign ones)-> A factory.
In this intermediate link, a trading company or a trading company can entrust two or three upstream brand companies with one hand, recommend the same style to two or three brand companies in different cities, and then accept it after receiving the order, or place orders for the same factory to produce one after another, which can reduce the operation and manufacturing costs, because more profits can be obtained by increasing the quantity. However, the quality of clothes generally makes no difference. They are sold in different cities, and there is no danger of infringement if the lace is slightly changed. Of course, some powerful brand companies are very taboo about this phenomenon, especially their original printed patterns (styles can't be eliminated, because when there are good styles in the market, everyone will copy from each other, even if they are foreign, but their quality control is much stricter than that in China).