Incom design company, an old brand authorized to produce and sell Pickwick brand, Italian youth clothing and street clothing, has been leading the inspiration of sports and music (clothing) circles. Single-minded, dynamic and professional dress. The brand was born in Rome in 1995 by two innovative young people Diego Barbaresi and Marco Nicolini. With their colors, amazing (curious) printing (color printing technology) and application. Pickwick has a fashion sportswear production line, which combines happiness and humor. Yingkang has developed a kind of material which can combine style and quality, and has a sports style. However, fashion, youth and purity are the concept of long live enthusiasm, which is changing the cultural characteristics of young people. Today, Pickwick produces a series of products, including pants, coats (long coats), jackets (short coats) and sweaters (sweaters), shirts and accessories.
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