Small East Gate-East Gate is divided into Small East Gate Clothing Wholesale City and Small East Gate Small Commodity Wholesale City, and clothes are also sold on the second floor of the small commodity wholesale city. The clothes here are cheaper and most of them are students. The price is much cheaper than that of civil air defense, but the quality needs to be tested by itself.
Shanshi Street-exactly Shanshi East Road-is the most suitable for students, because there are many schools nearby. The clothes here are moderately priced, not cheap, but not expensive. Xiushui Street is good, selling some more personalized things, such as the first lomo store in Jinan.
Luokou Clothing Wholesale City-When it comes to buying clothes in Jinan, many people like to mention Luokou Clothing Wholesale City. I personally have reservations. Luokou is very big. I heard that there is a street in Luokou with good clothes. Many clothes sellers in Jinan buy goods from here, so they can pretend to be clothes from Beijing Zoo. But this street is hard to find. People you know will take you there. Besides, if a person buys one or two things, people may not sell them, and even if they sell them, they may not be cheap. I haven't seen any nice clothes in Luokou, but I can still have a look at my shoes.
Generally speaking, I personally tend to be civil air defense, with both personalized clothes and moderate "street clothes". All ornaments are unique. But the price is really not cheap enough. . . I think the landlord might as well go to Shanshi, which should suit you.