If possible, know the level of the banquet in advance, especially the dress code of the guests attending the banquet. In a general wedding reception, of course, the couple will attend as the protagonist of the big dress, while the parents of both sides, as the second protagonist, naturally appear as formal banquet costumes. The man wore a dark suit, a shirt and tie in a coordinated color, and a corsage at the wedding. Women mainly wear Hanfu and combined long skirts to attend the banquet. Because you need to wear a corsage for the wedding ceremony, the decoration of other ornaments should be based on the principle of simple shape, but it is better to be skillful. If colleagues from the company attend the dinner party, are there any dress requirements besides referring to the invitation letter, and try to understand the master's clothing taste level? Is this a formal evening dress? Or a little dress? And what the chief might wear to the banquet. This way, you can dress up properly and don't go with the flow. You may steal the identity of the host, or the elegance of an officer, or be rude because you are too casual. If ordinary friends have dinner, or an ordinary invitation banquet, you can wear a softer suit or a bright and romantic dress. Coupled with a suitable and feminine handbag, it will create a warm and cordial atmosphere for the dinner.
In addition to the above personal subjective factors, a suitable and perfect overall shape can also give you an excellent evaluation. We can analyze it from several levels:
1. Clothing modeling: Chinese clothing can be divided into long gowns or evening dresses. Because of its beautiful curves, it is suitable for the figure of orientals and is quite popular with women. In particular, a formal state banquet or wedding banquet is a ceremonial performance that represents solemnity. You should choose western-style dinner clothes to decorate your figure and set off your personal temperament. Besides ankle-length dresses, small dresses with beautiful styles and exquisite materials are another choice for young women at banquets. In business social occasions or social activities organized by the fashion industry, people can add their own unique creativity and ingenuity to fashion modeling to attract people's attention.
Second, collocation: proper collocation decoration can play the role of finishing touch. Too much decoration, on the contrary, is like gilding the lily and covering up your own temperament. So look at yourself. Take off the extra ornaments. Including earrings, necklaces, watches, hands, brooches, and even the coordination of handbags and shoes. Excessive exaggeration will only cover up your confidence. Therefore, we can only choose one of them as the key ornament, and the others should be as concise and coordinated as possible. For example, for today's banquet, you chose a Chinese dress with exquisite materials and bright colors. Then, gorgeous and exquisite small bags are another focus of light collection. Therefore, the unnecessary items are omitted, and small and moderate earrings, hands and elegant shoes that are deliberately low-key are added. The overall feeling is that twice, clothes will not be decorated like Christmas trees.
Third, hairstyle makeup: hairstyle is a place where people directly feel the spirit and personality. In particular, different hairstyles can create different visual effects, make people feel energetic and slender, which can start with simple and clean hairstyles. In the makeup part, in addition to the basic makeup, you can add some popular gold and silver powder or bright eye shadow, strengthen eyeliner, false eyelashes, transparent gloss lip gloss, and even put on cool diamonds to enhance the gorgeous effect of the dinner. Don't forget. Trim your nails (you should also pay attention to toenails when wearing sandals and high heels), and you can apply appropriate nail polish or nail polish. You can also spray charming but not pungent perfume for perfection.
In various occasions, it is a kind of etiquette to dress up in line with the role, but at different social banquets, dressing up in line with personal characteristics naturally exudes self-confidence and restrained self-restraint. This unique charm that belongs to you will make everyone admire.