In fact, it is very good to wear He Xiu's clothes when you get married. If you choose to hold a western-style wedding, you can actually wear He Xiu clothes. He Xiu's clothes are usually worn when picking up the bride, and when the groom comes to pick up the bride, it is more convenient to get on the bus and make a toast. He Xiu's clothes look good and have a wedding atmosphere. Here are some photos of He Xiu's clothes you wore when you got married.
In the past, when people got married, they would choose the red dress of He Xiu, because red is festive and more in line with the wedding atmosphere. However, with the changes of the times, there are many golden He Xiu clothes now. Gold looks more noble and will be more elegant to wear, which is what many people will choose. In fact, whether you choose gold clothes or red clothes, they are all good. I didn't say which is better. It depends on your own preferences and parents' opinions.