Putting wine is a banquet, banquet, etc. As the saying goes, there is no table without wine, so the first thing to do at the banquet is to put everyone's wine in front of the position. Over time, everyone extended the meaning of putting wine into the banquet.
The ancients sat on the floor, and "banquets" and "seats" all sat on the floor. The annotation of "Ji Yan in Zhou Li Spring Palace Temple" says: "Give a banquet and learn from the scriptures." It means that what is spread on the ground is called "banquet" and what is spread on the "banquet" is called "seat", so the word "banquet" is the general name of seating. In the Book of Songs, there is a saying of "banquet", and the word "banquet" means wine. The Book of Rites, which describes the Warring States, Qin and Han Dynasties, says, "Give a banquet, Chen Zunzu, and list beans." At this time, the banquet also contains the meaning of a grand and formal banquet. In this sense, the word "banquet" was used, and later it specifically referred to banquet.