Chu Huaiwang hates concubines having children, but she likes having a second child. After raising a young child for a long time, I made my second son a prince. The prince is a man without self-knowledge and never performs his duties. This is not a day for a prince to learn sword. Gradually, he felt that fencing had made great progress and his hands were itchy, so he wanted to find someone to compete all day. Wang Fu's guests; He compared them one by one. No one is invincible under his bad fencing. It turned out that when he competed with the sword, people let him go. He won a deal, but didn't buy a good one. He thinks his swordsmanship is superb and no one can beat him. Suddenly, an attendant told him that Baylor was the best fencer in Huainan. If you win the sword in Ray's hand, you can dominate the world.
So every day, the prince wants to find a thunder who can compete with the sword. However, Lei was caught in a dilemma: if he won the crown prince, he could not stay in the palace; If you lose to the prince, you will lose face. In this case, ray is persistent. But the prince struggled and had to contend with the sword. At first, Ray was forced to surrender, but the prince was aggressive. Later, he had to fight back with his sword. The blow brought a terrible disaster: his sword hurt the prince. Rebecca immediately told Huainan Wang that Huainan Wang immediately dismissed Baylor, put him under house arrest and refused to let him join the army in Beijing.
Ray thought carefully: this place won't stay long. The prince hates old people, but the king is fierce and afraid of life. Therefore, he has been waiting for an opportunity to escape to Beijing. As soon as Lei arrived in Beijing, he complained to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty about how the father and son of Huainan Wang were unfair and bullied him. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty immediately filed a lawsuit on this matter. Under strict orders, the work finally fell into the hands of Cheng of Huainan County. Xian Cheng was appointed by the King of Huainan. I didn't arrest the prince out of gratitude, which caused Huai Nanzi's dissatisfaction. He wrote a complaint and went to Beijing to report Xiancheng to Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty refused to accept the opinions of ministers, decided to cut off the fief of Chu Huaiwang, and sent a Beijing-China lieutenant to Huainan to announce it. Wang Nan was puzzled and wary of the lieutenant. If the lieutenant comes to catch the prince, he will send his troops to resist. Fortunately, the lieutenant came to the palace and congratulated the king of Huainan first: this matter has been settled, and the emperor only cut you two counties. Chu Huaiwang was overjoyed and gave a banquet to invite the lieutenant back to Beijing.
Wave after wave, wave after wave. The contradiction between ordinary offices in Wang Fu is expanding day by day. The eldest son is timid and ashamed. The eldest son was not convinced and was very dissatisfied with the brief dispute with the prince. Liu Jian was finally arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the prince. But Liu Jian was very angry and sued his grandfather, uncle Chu Huaiwang and his son. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took the captain to handle this matter in Kyoto, Huainan. Chu Huaiwang heard about it and was going to kill the captain and the rebels. Fortunately, the lieutenant came here only to ask some questions lightly, and there was no intention to arrest the criminals. Gu Huainan Wang was relieved.
I didn't know there was a small wall in the prince's mansion. It turns out that the prince is different from his wife. The prince's princess belongs to the royal family. Do you allow Wang Fu's people to bully others? When it reaches Kyoto, the royal family will condemn it. So Chu Huaiwang severely punished the prince, put the prince and princess under house arrest for three months, and ordered the prince not to touch the princess for three months. The princess and the prince lived together for three months, and the prince never touched her. She was deeply ashamed, so she quit her book and returned to Beijing glumly. However, during her stay in Wang Fu, the Crown Princess personally heard and witnessed the rebellion of King Huainan against the imperial court. She told Emperor Wu of Han what she had seen and heard. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty decided to punish Chu Huaiwang. When Chu Huaiwang learned of this, he called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss the uprising. Nan repeatedly advised Huainan Wang not to rebel. This time, the king of Huainan seemed determined to rebel, so he proposed three strategies to the king of Huainan: first, under the guise of imperial edict, all the dignitaries in Huainan were moved to the border; Second, under the guise of imperial edict, hundreds of thousands of rich families in Huainan were moved to the border; 3. False imperial edict, rumor that the emperor wants to recall all the princes. With these three measures, the people of the world will be angry and the world will rebel. But nan did not adopt it, but acted rashly. Nantah was very angry and came to Beijing to complain to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and sent people to suppress the rebellion, trying to make Liu An, the king of Huainan, plead guilty. Liu An learned that the inside story was revealed and could not forgive his sin, that is, he drew his sword and committed suicide. Your majesty, satellite, that's it. The superstar has lost his reputation.