You can also set a shortcut key, open it with a shortcut key, and then download a blank library and search in the plug-in list.
Next empty library or suapp, and then try to reload it. Vary is also available in these two plug-ins. You can download it or try to download it there.
Toolbar, as its name implies, is an area where various tools are integrated in software programs, which is convenient for users to use.
On the graphical user interface of a computer monitor, interface buttons, icons, menus or other input/output elements are placed in the toolbar.
The toolbar is a control bar that displays the rows of bitmap buttons, which are used to execute commands. Pressing the toolbar button is equivalent to selecting a menu item.
If the menu item has the same ID as the toolbar button, use the toolbar button to map the call to the same handler of the menu item.
Buttons can be configured to appear as normal buttons, radio buttons or check boxes in appearance and behavior.
The toolbar is usually aligned with the top of the frame window, but the MFC toolbar can be "docked" on either side of its parent window or floating in its own pocket frame window.
The toolbar can also be "floating", and the user can change its size and drag it with the mouse. Toolbars can also display tooltips when users move the mouse over toolbar buttons. A tooltip is a small pop-up window that briefly describes the function of a button.