Xinping Village, Chengxiang Town, Wuxi County, Chongqing Xinping Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Chengxiang Town, Wuxi County, Chongqing. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 500238 1002 17, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 500238. The postal code is 405800, the long distance area code is 023, and the license plate number is Chongqing. Xinping Village is adjacent to Chengshao Village, Yang Jiacun, Wuxin Village, Mendong Village, Zhuyang Village, Huanning Village, Shuangcheng Village, Xiaojing Village, Yangping Village, Jiuquan Village, Baiquan Village, Du Yu Village and Chengbei Village.
There are many tourist attractions near Xinping Village, such as Daning River Ancient Road, Wuxi Ximen Station, Wuxi Ancient City Wall, Hongchiba National Forest Park and Hanfengshen Valley Scenic Area, as well as many specialties such as Wuxi Fish Culture, Wuxi Red Clover, Wuxi Potato, Daning River Embroidery and Wuxi Virus-free Potato.