In the first case, the woman holds the banquet and the woman pays the bill. In fact, in most cases, the woman's family holds a wedding again because the husband and wife are in different places, so the woman's family holds a banquet and invites most of her relatives. The gift money received is also owned by the woman, so generally speaking, the money for the banquet held by the woman's family is paid by the woman.
The second situation. That is, the woman gives a banquet and the man pays the bill. Because there are great differences in customs and habits in different parts of our country. In addition to the above situation, in some places, the woman's family also needs the man to pay for the banquet, provided that the man's family needs this economic condition. One situation is not excluded, that is, the woman's family holds a banquet with bride price money. Sometimes the man will be asked to pay for the banquet if he gives less bride price. The gift money received by the woman's family is sometimes given to the man and sometimes to the woman. It all depends on how the woman's parents arrange.
The third situation is, of course, co-organized by men and women. In this case, both parties are in the same place, so the couple will choose to hold a banquet together, so that relatives and friends of both families can see the wedding ceremony, which saves a lot of trouble. In the case of a wedding, both parties usually share the banquet money equally. The gift money then received belongs to the child, but sometimes out of the filial piety of the child, a part will be given to both parents.