When he was young, he concentrated on his studies and refused to be an official. He was praised by the villagers for his noble character. He often accepts apprentices and lives by teaching. Li Mu, his younger brothers Su Li and Liu Yun all studied under him.
Villagers go to court, not to the government, but often to Wang Zhaosu for a ruling. Wang Zhaosu studied the Nine Classics and studied Zhuangzi and Laozi, especially the Book of Songs and the Book of Changes.
He thought that Wang Bi and Han's Notes on the Book of Changes and Kong and Ma Rong's Interpretation of the Book of Changes were not completely correct, so he wrote 23 Books of Changes. During the Kaibao period, Li Mu recommended him to the court, and Song Taizu ordered him to enter the palace, where he met. At this time, Wang Zhaosu is 77 years old, but his spirit is still very good.
Song Taizu asked him, "Why don't you want to be an official and let us meet so late today?" Wang Zhaosu replied: "I am an ignorant person in the countryside, which is of no help to the education of saints." Let him sit down, ask him to use the Book of Changes for divination, and ask Prime Minister Xue and others to watch.
When Wang Zhaosu talked about the phrase "the flying dragon is in the sky", the emperor said, "Where can ordinary people read this book?" Wang Zhaosu said: "This book can't be seen until the saint is born." So Song Taizu asked him about the people, and Wang Zhaosu answered truthfully, so the emperor praised him.
Being old and weak, Wang Zhaosu requested to return to his hometown. The emperor made him an official, gave him a lot of tea and medicine, and 200 thousand, kept him in the palace for more than a month, and then sent him away. Wang Zhaosu died at home at the age of eighty-nine.
Wang Zhaosu has a good eye for people. At first, Li Mu's brothers learned Yi from him. He often said to Li Mu, "What you said is very subtle and reasonable, and it often surprises me."
He also said to others: "The Li Mu brothers are all excellent talents, and Li Mu is especially deep and kind, and will definitely be able to serve the court in the future." Later, as expected, Li Mu became an official and learned about politics.
Every time Wang Zhaosu goes to the market to buy things, he always pays according to the seller's words and never bargains. People in the county warned each other: "Sir, don't ask for exorbitant prices."
Wang Zhaosu tidied up the bedroom and piled rafters at the door. A wood thief is going to come in late at night. After Wang Zhaosu found out, he secretly threw the rafters out of the door. The thieves left in shame, and there were no more thieves in the street. He has a donkey at home, which is often borrowed. Before going out, he always asks his domestic slave, "There is no one who borrows donkeys outside, is there?" He didn't go out until he answered no.
His behavior is so pure and simple. Wang Zhaosu has a son named Renzhu, who also has a hidden moral character.
2. Translate the original and translation of Lu Dazhong's ancient prose "Biography of Lu Dazhong"-Gresky's paragraph-by-paragraph translation for reference. , China,,,, Han Jiang declared Shaanxi, praised Yongxing Road, put righteousness above family loyalty, changed his secretary to Cheng, and examined the words of Privy Council officials and the armory. Zhong Da said, "Dazhong." The brave are close to the officers and men, and only when you choose the right one can you save the soldiers. "Lu Dazhong was appointed as a judge of the national army for signing books. A scholar in the imperial examination, he served as Hua Yinwei and Jin Chengling. When Han Jiang proclaimed himself Shaanxi, he took Lu Dazhong as the promotion and led the Volunteers of Yongxing Road. Later, he was appointed as Secretary Cheng to examine the words of the Privy Council and the back room. Let Lu Dazhong analyze the work of volunteers. The system of stationing farmland in Han dynasty and the system of government troops in Tang dynasty are both good methods. At present, the archer unit system is close to wasteland reclamation, and the volunteer unit system is close to the official army. Choosing a good method to use it can save huge expenses. "Lu Dazhong was appointed as the judge of the national army. Xi Ningzhong, Wang Anshi proposed to send envoys to all directions, set up border ditches, and Zhong Da and Fan Li were ordered to leave. Will cause trouble. Don't send it If the Khitan and Angela Liu discuss the North, they will lose their father. After the restoration, he knew Daizhou. The Khitan will make Xiao Su and Liang generations, and establish the second Chaohui. According to the chairman, Dazhong will compete with it, but it will move to the north of the Great Wall. In the west, he will go to the door of the cabinet to learn about Shizhou. Dazhong can count, understand elements, and know English. Every discussion is repeated. Zong Shen said, "Who do you think Qing is?" He said, "Your Majesty's words are not official. I'm afraid you can't start gradually. "He said," Dazhong's words are very important to the country, so I hope your majesty can consider them. "When you are in power, you can't get away with it, but you can't decide whether to go back to the third division or not. Then you took the watershed as the boundary. Both men refused to travel. Lv Dazhong wrote five objections, arguing that improper application of the letter of benevolence and righteousness in other countries will inevitably lead to disaster. The court relieved him of his appointment and did not send him. He was also ordered to go to Khitan with Angela Liu to discuss the northern region, which coincided with his father's death (no mission). Later it was reused and appointed as Daizhou. Xiao Su and Liang Ying, the Khitan envoys, arrived. Then they moved their headquarters to the north of the Great Wall. Later, Lu Dazhong was appointed as the ambassador of the West Gate and the magistrate of Shizhou. Lu Dazhong met with Xiao Su and Liang Ying for many times. Every time he negotiated, he often persuaded Xiao Su and Liang Ying to make some concessions. Later, the Khitan sent messengers to demand the cession of the North. Emperor Zongshen called the ruling ministers to discuss the matter with Lu Dazhong and Angela Liu, and intended to agree to their request. Zongshen said, "What are you talking about?" Lu Dazhong replied, "Although your Majesty doesn't agree with me, I'm still worried that I can't open the door." Angela Liu said, "Lu Dazhong's words are in line with the plan to stabilize the country. I hope your majesty will carefully consider his words. " Knowing that their views could not be changed, the ruling minister dismissed Angela Liu and sent him back to the post of the Third Division. Lu Dazhong also ended his mourning. In the end, the two countries took the watershed as the boundary. Yuan Fengzhong, a transit judge in Hebei Province, said, "The ancients managed their finances and regarded the world as a family. The family of the imperial court and the brothers who plan outside live in different places, but their wealth is the same. Now, some officials only know the name of the cashier, but they don't tell the truth about it. So if they have enough money, they will take it away. This is a catastrophe. "During the Yuanfeng period, Lu Dazhong was appointed as the transfer judge of Hebei Province, saying that" in ancient times, the world was a family in financial management. The imperial court is like a family, and the places managed outside are like brothers, but their financial status is no different. At present, the competent department only knows the name of expenditure and income, but has not told the emperor the truth. So wherever there is surplus, they collect it from where there is deficiency. This is really a great hidden danger. "So I stated twelve things about making money and supporting the people. I was transferred to Huaixi prison. At that time, another locust plague occurred on the Yellow River levee. Lu Dazhong entered the DPRK to answer Wang's questions and discuss the disaster situation in detail. The emperor wrote a letter to restore his position. At the beginning, I knew Yuan You, Dr. Li Gongbu, Shaanxi Transportation Agreement and Shaanxi Province, and I knew Qin Zhou through Long Ting. God will give it to you. Great advice: "Summer people are strong, vertical, and sleepy. Nowadays, Yang is obedient, and they are really afraid of crusade. It is appropriate to order border officials to comment on their reasons for coming. If they just ask for it, they will look at me. "In the early years of Yuan You, Lv Dazhong served as a doctor of the Ministry of Industry, a transshipment ambassador in Shaanxi, and a magistrate in Shaanxi. Xixia intends to send an envoy to apologize (asking for the restoration of old coins), and Emperor Zongshen is ready to promise him. Lu Dazhong said: "Xixia people are indulgent when they are strong, and they are submissive when they are weak. Now they appear to be resigned, but in fact they are afraid of crusade. Border officials should be ordered to blame them for their coming. If they ask us for it, Xixia people will see through our reality. "People like it, rushing to transport the millet to the warehouse, but leaving at a loss, which has been welcomed by more than one million. At that time, the county government bought Bai's grain, and the rich family took the opportunity to control it (for selfish reasons). Lu Dazhong chose his colleagues to go into the official warehouse with him early in the morning (to buy grain), even if there was only one bucket and one liter, he accepted it, so that there was no obstacle to collecting grain.
3. Dong Wenbing's Translation of Classical Chinese Biography Dong Wenbing's name is Yan Ming, the eldest son of Dong Jun. When his father died, Dong Wenbing was only 16 years old. He took several younger brothers to serve his mother Li Furen. Mrs. Ji is virtuous, strict in managing the family and good in teaching children. Dong Wenbing regards his mother as her husband. He is clever and good at memorizing and reciting. When he was young, he was like an adult. In the last year of B, he took over Gaocheng county magistrate by virtue of his father's position. Colleagues in the government are all from his father's time. They despise Dong Wenbing's youth, and even small officials are not afraid of him. Dong Wenbing listened to judgment and established his prestige with kindness. Soon, all the people in his column are willing to work under him. When the little official took the document for him to sign, he didn't dare to look up at him. Everyone inside admires him. The county is very poor, suffering from drought and locust plague, but the taxes are increasing day by day, and the people are struggling. Dong Wenbing used thousands of stones and millet at home to pay taxes on his behalf, and the government was able to let people go. The original county magistrate borrowed money from the people to collect military supplies, and the interest charged by the loan company doubled year by year, and the government returned the people with silkworms and wheat. Dong Wenbing said: "The people are very poor. As a county magistrate, I can't bear to see such a thing. I should pay the price for the people. " So he returned his land to the lender at a fixed price, registered the idle land in the county and let the poor cultivate it. So the diaspora gradually came back, and after a few years, the people were relatively rich. At first, the imperial court counted the population, and ordered that anyone who dared to conceal the truth would be executed and his property confiscated. Dong Wenbing let people live together, and the number of households decreased. Many people in the county government think this is inappropriate. Dong Wenbing said: "I am willing to convict the people." Some ordinary people are unwilling to do so. Dong Wenbing said, "They will thank me in the future." As a result, the tax revenue has been greatly reduced, and the people have become rich and have savings. If there are complaints from neighboring counties that can't be done, write to Dong Wenbing and ask him to make a ruling. Dong Wenbing once received a superior official, and people from neighboring counties gathered there to watch and said, "Dong County magistrate looks like a person, too. Why is he so decisive? " At that time, the government kept searching for the people's fat and paste, and Dong Wenbing refused to implement the official document. Some people speak ill of him to the state government, and some people in the state government want to slander and frame him. Dong Wenbing said: "I can't finally deprive the people of their personal interests." So he abandoned his official position and left.
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4. Yang Xuanbao's classical Chinese translation is as follows:
Yang Xuanbao is from Chengnan, Taishan. Grandfather Yang Kai was an official of Shang Dynasty. My father, Yang Sui, is an assistant minister of Zhongshu.
Yang Xuanbao began to join the army and became a town soldier in Song Wudi. During the reign of Emperor Jingping (423~424), he was gradually promoted to be a long-time historian Situyou. Wang Hong, the general of Wei, attached great importance to him. He once said to Zuo Changshi, Yu, and Wang Zhunzhi, an official minister: "You two wise men are smart and handsome, and you can understand many things. But your generous and beautiful reputation should naturally be valued by Yang Jun. Soon, he entered the DPRK as an assistant minister of the Yellow Gate.
Yang Xuanbao is good at playing chess and ranks third. Wendi also played chess. He made a bet with the county magistrate. As a result, Yang Xuanbao won, so he was appointed as the magistrate of Xuancheng. Prior to this, the policy of dealing with defection was formulated for Xuancheng officials. If a person can't catch it, inform the officials of Wu and Li by official document and hand it over to the relevant departments of counties. If this person can be caught, he will be awarded a second class merit. Yang Xuanbao thought it was inappropriate to do so and argued: "The reason why I discussed defection was because I was extremely persecuted. Now we have formulated a special policy, which is very harsh on reality. Considering that this policy is only implemented in one region, if it is correct, it should be unified with the whole world; If it is not correct, it should not be implemented alone in a county. " Since then, the imperial edict has stopped this policy.
Successively Danyang Yin, Huiji Taishou, Taicang Taishou, Taishou. Emperor Wen frequently arranged for Yang Xuanbao to work in a famous county because he was honest, simple and insatiable. Although there are no special achievements in politics, they are generally missed after leaving. He doesn't trade money and interests, and his family wealth is meager. Emperor Wendi once said, "To be an official, one must have not only talent but also luck. Every time there is a good job opening, I will never think of Yang Xuanbao first. " Qi Jun, the chief culprit, established himself as the official department minister, and also served as the imperial academy to offer wine. When Emperor Xiaowu entered Beijing for a crusade, most people in North Korea fled to the south. Liu Shao summoned all the officials and said angrily, "You can all go." Everyone was afraid, and no one dared to speak. Yang Xuanbao kept his face straight and said slowly, "I would like to serve the court with my death." Liu Shao was relieved.
Emperor Xiao acceded to the throne and appointed him as Dr. Jin Ziguang Lu, who paid attention to it with caution and respect. In the fifth year of Daming (4,665,438+0), he was promoted to official rider and bus driver. From youth to old age, Yang Xuanbao is very cautious about paying homage. He has never tasted the exotic flavor and fresh products of the four seasons. After death, add posthumous title as the stator.
His son Yang Rong is very clever, but he is frivolous, unruly and has a heavy voice. Liu, the king of Jiangxia, once set a fast to put his seat away. After a while, King Jiangxia went out. Because the seat was too narrow, he widened it himself. Yang Rong said: "Bureaucracy is narrow and annoying, and it needs to be widened by eight points." King Jiangxia smiled and said, "Qing can not only double voice, but also articulate." Wendi likes to play chess with Yang Xuanbao. Once, an imperial envoy came and Yang Xuanbao said, "Why did the emperor summon me today?" Yang Rong said: "The golden ditch is shallow, the copper pool is blue and the scenery is beautiful. It's time to play chess. " Yang Xuanbao often feels frivolous and says, "This child will definitely ruin my family." Yang Rong, who lives in Tongzhilang, was ordered to commit suicide for slandering dynasty politics with Wang Sengda. After his death, Emperor Xiaowu introduced Yang Xuanbao, and Yang Xuanbao apologized and said, "I failed the emperor because I didn't have the insight of the golden sun stone plate." The emperor praised his words. Yang Rong has two younger brothers. Emperor Wen called them yang xian and Yang Zhen, and said to Yang Xuanbao, "I hope your two sons can have a lingering wind in the forest in the Zhengshi era."
Yang Xuanbao is good at playing chess, and He Shangzhi also loves this game. Chu Yin of Wu Jun entered the senior class at the age of 7 and became the champion at that time when he grew up. Chu Yin's father, Chu Rongqi, rebelled with Zangzhi, and Chu Yin should be killed with him. He Shangzhi insisted, saying, "Chu Yin's chess skill is superior to that of ancient times, and it is the highest now. Tao Wei broke the law and was pardoned for his talent. His father was killed and his son was treated leniently. There are many examples Please give him a life, so that a strange skill will not be cut off. " The result was not approved, which was very regrettable at that time.
5. Classical Chinese translation of Wang Chuan and classical Chinese translation of Wang Chuan:
Wang Sizhou, a native of Lianshui (now Lianshui County, Jiangsu Province), lost his father when he was a child and his family was very poor. He served his mother with great respect. He has read many poems and books, and his personality is honest and frank, which is very special. On my way to Beijing, I met a man who was tired from hiking. He said to the king, "My father is an official in a distant place. He is very ill. He wants to visit, but he can't because he is too tired from hiking. " Wang sympathized with him and took off his horse and gave it to him. He left without telling his name, so his reputation was shaken at that time. Refuse to visit powerful people. Wei Zhi thinks he is different from ordinary people and plans to marry his wife's niece. He politely refused. Shortly after his death, Wang took the initiative to marry his wife's niece. When someone asked Wang why he did this, Wang said, "I didn't do it first because I didn't rely on powerful people." Now I am doing this to repay the Prime Minister's kindness in meeting him. "
Wang and Sean, the minister of punishments, have always been friendly. Sean committed a crime, Wang was implicated, and was demoted to Ji 'an County as a county magistrate. Ji 'an is among barbarians, and the people are tenacious. Wang summoned local leaders, gradually selected some students and disciples, set up books and lectures for them, held ceremonies to worship sages and teachers, and taught them the skills of singing and piccolo ensemble. They are all very happy. Soon, Wang transferred to Xiancheng in Huan County (now Wei County, Hebei Province). At this time, Sean's nephew called back from Asia and took refuge in the king. When Zhang Jiao died, he entrusted his wife and children to him, hoping to transport his body back to his hometown for burial. Wang promised him. Because his wife was young, the king asked the slave to carry the coffin off the horse and let his wife ride and walk with him. Zhang Jiao was buried behind the former Wu 'an, and sent his wife and children home to stay at Sean's grave.
In the first year of the Qing dynasty, he was promoted to the king of the empire. At that time, Li Yifu, assistant minister of Zhongshu, was in charge of state affairs. A woman, a beauty of Chun Yu, was imprisoned in Dali Temple because she was found guilty. Li Yifu was very happy and entrusted Dali Temple to break the law and get her out of prison. The emperor ordered Liu He to re-investigate Chunyu Kun's case, and Bi Zhengyi hanged himself. Wang thinks that Li Yifu is evil and harmful to politics, and he wants to impeach him. He asked his mother about it. The mother said, "In the past, the tomb mother committed suicide with a sword in order to achieve her son's righteousness. I hope you can win a good reputation wholeheartedly. Even if I die, I will not regret it! " The Righteousness Party then told the emperor: "The emperor set up officials and doctors, and wanted to help both fire and water. Zaifu's ministers help each other and can't think it's right or wrong alone. Now your majesty has appeased and owned people from all over the world, ethnic minorities and remote areas, and they can't escape punishment for committing crimes, not to mention the treacherous court officials around the emperor are wantonly bullying. The power of life and death is not given by the monarch, but by the traitor. When you step on first frost, you will think of hard ice. It is not too late to mend it. The request was handed over to the company to handle the death of Bi Zhengyi. " Tite wanted to forgive Li Yifu's sin, thinking that the king had insulted the minister and his words were not humble, so he demoted the king to Laizhou secretariat to join the army. I didn't transfer it back at the end of the year. When Wang lived in Changle, he recruited students to teach. My mother died, so I can't live in seclusion. Death, 55 years old.