Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, men and women were married according to their parents' orders. The matchmaker said, "The matchmaker is to marry." So arranged marriage, buying and selling marriage. "Wowo Marriage", "Boy Marriage" and "Finger Marriage" are extremely common and are taken for granted. Marriage etiquette is more complicated, mainly including engagement, changing stickers, sending dates, getting married and other procedures. There are two kinds of weddings: welcome and farewell. The wedding ceremony means that a man takes a sedan chair to his wife's house to get married, and he must bow down to her parents for the first time. Then, the woman followed the sedan chair and her marriage until the man got married. Sending a bride means that the man sends a sedan chair to the woman, and if the man doesn't go, the woman's brother, sister-in-law or close relatives send her to the man's house to get married.
Fertility customs:
In the past, the county paid special attention to fertility, and having more children was regarded as a happy event, especially like having boys. Therefore, there are beautiful legends of "five sons get into the topic", "seven sons get together" and "ten sons are blessed". According to the old practice, whenever the first baby is born, the man must immediately report the good news to Zhang Yuejia, and the parents-in-law will bring back the clothes (called sweaters) and hens that have already been prepared. On the day of the baby's "Three Dynasties", her mother-in-law carried a flower basket, congratulated her in the name of visiting, and told her family the specific time to send a "monthly gift". The "three dynasties" want to give children baby names, bathe and dress, so the three dynasties are also called "washing three" The "monthly gift" is usually delivered to the man's home within seven to ten days after the baby is born. On the day or the second day of the full moon, pregnant women carry their babies to their parents' homes, which is called "eating full moon salt". Pregnant women are forbidden to go to other people's homes during their confinement. If she enters the threshold of her house, it will be considered unlucky.
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