Good morning, today is Monday, 654381October 25th. It's the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the number nine is the ninth day of April. Weather in Weifang: light rain turns to sleet, temperature is-1~4℃, southerly wind 1 turns to northwest wind level 2, sunrise time is 07: 10, sunset time is 17:2 1, rainfall is 0.0mm, and humidity is 82%RH. Real-time: cloudy, temperature 2℃, east wind level 2, humidity 82%RH, air pressure 1030Pa, ultraviolet intensity 1, visibility 145 1 m.
Weifang air quality:
Moderate pollution, AQI2 14, pm2.52 14, ranking 60 1/637, PM10/25, CO 18, NO234, O33.
Those who travel by sea, catch the sea, fish, travel on the beach, swim and engage in related industries should pay attention to the tide table.
Tidal Table of Weifang Port 202 1-0 1-25
Tidal time 01:0306: 341318:14 Tidal height cm 261026711.