Tribute is divided into external offerings, that is, offerings perceived by external five senses; Internal offerings, such as those made by the devotees of God for observing meditation, such as tea and wine. (I will protect the tea and wine offerings) In the process of visualization; Secret confession, such as offering a date. A believer can also worship "emptiness" after getting it.
Those who have not yet reached the status of saints can offer karmic offerings (also called upper offerings or secular offerings); People who reach the status of saints can offer sacrifices to the supreme (or secular offerings or Buddhist offerings).
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After arranging the altar sacrifice, you should recite the eulogy related to the contents of the altar sacrifice. After that, the grain is piled on the altar offering by hand, usually thirty-five grains (thirty-five grains is the largest number). There are also twenty-five, twenty-three and seven).
Like the offerings of the seven royal treasures (or seven political treasures), the offerings of Tancheng are symbolic, and every floor of Tancheng symbolizes the whole universe. Every grain piled on the altar is an organic part of the whole offering, and it can also let people know the practical significance of the offering.
If someone puts different parts of the sacrifice in the same center, he will make an altar city sacrifice in a very short time. It's like a person looking at the mountain through the eye of a needle, or looking at his whole face with a palm-sized mirror. In this way, people who make altar sacrifices can regard making altar as a way to own the whole universe.