According to some data, Liang was from the Ming Dynasty and Zhu was from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, separated by thousands of years. Zhu Benben was a chivalrous woman who robbed the rich and helped the poor. She once went to Ma Taishou's house to steal money. Finally, Ma Zhong's son Ma Wencai was ambushed and died by the sword. The people were buried with a heavy burial, and a monument was erected in front of the grave, with "Zhu Yingtai's Female Tomb" engraved on the front and recorded in detail on the back. Over the years, the monument sank underground. Liang is the magistrate of Yinxian County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. He is honest, middle-aged and childless. When he was buried after his death, he dug up his tombstone. Many people felt sorry for it, but it seemed inappropriate to bury Liang, so they buried it together and set up a monument. The black one is Liang, and the red one is Zhu ... Since then, the legend of sending people out has been perfunctory.