Year Q 1 Q2 Third Quarter and Fourth Quarter
1970 QC qi
197 1 - UE UC UL UI
1972 - AE AC AL AI
Note that EI can also represent Q 1 1984 or Q3 1988, etc.
1975 - TE TC TL TI
1976 Ye Yi
1977 - PE PC PL PI
1978 - EE
1979-nenclni date coding started in the United States.
1980 QC qi
198 1 - UE UC UL UI
1982 - AE AC AL AI
Note that EI can also represent Q 1 1974 or Q3 1988, etc.
1985 - TE TC TL TI
1986 Ye Yi
1987-iiipiip address
1988-iiiEIiee Note that ei can also mean Q 1 1974 or Q 1 1984, etc.
1989-north IIIN IIN
1990-IIIQ IIQ IQ q
IIU International University
1992 - IIIA IIA
1993 - IIIL IIL IL L
1994 - IIII III II I
1995 - IIIT IIT IT T
1997-iiipiip address
1999-north IIIN IIN
Third quarter, second quarter and first quarter of 2000
200 1 - U.III U.II U.I U
2002-3 years
2003-the third year
2005-The Third World
2006-the third year
2007-the third stage
2008-Third Session
2009 - N.III N.II N.I N
Look at this watch. The pen you bought should be 08 Zall 20 10 made in France.