1. Welcome guests
When the guests arrive at the appointed time, the host should meet them at the door in advance and should not wait in the room. It's better for couples to go together, and the hostess should be in front. If a guest suddenly comes to the door, treat him warmly. If the room is not cleaned, you should apologize and clean it properly, but it is not advisable to clean it immediately, because cleaning means expelling guests.
Greetings and greetings
When you meet guests, you should greet them warmly and the hostess should take the initiative to shake hands. If guests carry heavy objects, they should take the initiative to help and help the elderly or the infirm. When you enter the room, you should give the best seat to the guest. If the guests are visiting for the first time, they should introduce them to other family members or guests. The host should smile, walk easily, and don't look tired and uneasy.
Step 3 provide cigarettes and tea
Generally speaking, visitors are all men, and as soon as they sit down, they will offer a cigarette. Don't hold the cigarette directly with your hand. You should open the cigarette case, pop up some cigarettes, and give them to the guests to help themselves. Don't forget to respect fire. If the host can smoke, he should be a guest before the host. When making tea, you should first clean the tea set. When you have more cups of tea, you have to queue up and rush back and forth. It is advisable to pour 2/3 height for each cup of tea. You should put your hands on the guest's right hand and respect your elders first.
Talk to guests
After the guests sit down and worship the candy of rock tea, they should talk to the guests in time. The content of the topic may depend on the actual situation. Generally speaking, we should talk about things that guests are familiar with. If you can't talk with your guests, you can arrange a person of equal status to accompany you or provide newspapers and magazines, and turn on the TV for your entertainment. We can't let the host take care of himself and let the guests do nothing.
5. Out of courtesy to see the guests off
When the guests are finished or ready to leave, the host should stay politely. When the guest wants to leave, wait until he gets up, then the host gets up to see him off, and the family stands up to say goodbye with a smile. If a guest comes with a gift, he should mention his thanks or return the gift again, and don't forget to remind the guest whether there is anything he forgot or whether he needs help. Fujian should be sent to the gate or the entrance to the street. It is forbidden for guests to cross the threshold or slam the door as soon as they leave. If it is the first visit, the host should take the initiative to lead the way or arrange a car pick-up, while the guests from afar should be sent to the railway station, airport or dock to say hello or invite them to come again.