"There is no text below" is usually placed at the end of the text. Due to typesetting, there are sometimes spaces at the end of the text. In order to avoid mistakes in the blank space or intentionally adding content, you can consider writing "There is no text below" at the end of the text.
The signature page is usually placed at the top of the signature page. Sometimes, in order to facilitate the parties in different places to sign documents, the signature page is deliberately separated from the text. In order to avoid making mistakes or intentionally adding content in the blank space of the signature page, you can consider writing "signature page" at the top of the signature page.
The written form of a contract refers to the written expression of an agreement reached by both parties through consultation.
According to the Economic Contract Law, any economic contract that cannot be settled in time shall be in written form. When signing a written contract, the parties should pay attention to the fact that in addition to the main contract, telegrams, letters and charts related to the main contract are also an integral part of the contract and should be properly kept together with the main contract. Written form is convenient for the parties to perform, manage and supervise and provide evidence, which is the main form used by the parties to economic contracts.
Matters needing attention
(1) The basic terms of the contract should be consistent, especially the content of the transaction, the way and time limit of performance, and the liability for breach of contract should be clearly stipulated.
(2) Check whether the state has any special regulations on this transaction, with the purpose of determining whether the rights and obligations of both parties are legal and effective.
(3) Consult the law firm and the company's legal adviser about the actual development of related businesses, and find out the probability of business disputes and the causes and types of disputes, so as to avoid the same defects as much as possible when concluding the contract.
(4) If possible, the contents of the contract shall be as complete as possible through notarization by administrative organs, notarization witnessed by lawyers and the intermediary role of relevant institutions.
(5) When signing a contract, the surface of the contract should be clear and tidy. It is recommended to use special paper for contract printing.
People's Republic of China (PRC) contract law:
Contract signing:
It means that both parties to the contract reach an agreement on the main terms of the contract on the basis of equality and voluntariness.
Legally speaking, the conclusion of a contract can be divided into two stages: offer and acceptance.
1. The contractor has more than two parties. The contracting party may be a future contracting party or an agent.
2. Both parties to the contract reach an agreement on the main terms. (on the mirror image law) If the offeree's reply to an offer is slightly different from the original offer, the reply is not a valid offer, but a counter-offer. However, the mirror image rule is increasingly questioned.
3. The conclusion of a contract should have two stages: offer and acceptance.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Contract