First, the survival rule of knowing the times The so-called survival rule of Party B means that in cooperation, when facing Party A, Party B must know the times. In a word, it is a survival rule that must be sensible. No matter how proud and warm you are at ordinary times, you will be lost if you don't agree with each other, but you will change when you face Party A's father. Good girl? After all, Party A has abundant funds and must fight for it? Do small things? .
Second, Party B must be patient with Party A at all times. Party B's survival rule as warm as snow is to learn to be patient. Even if you don't agree with something, you still need tolerance. After all, anger can't be eaten. Only by learning patience can you get a chance and won't let your efforts be in vain.
Three. Unconditional concession to Party A The rule of Party B's existence revealed by Yin Tao is as warm as snow, which can be said to be an unconditional compromise and concession to Party A, so that only Party A's father can turn a tiger into a docile cat. Wen Ruxue is fearless, afraid that Party A's father will not give money at the critical moment, which is too similar to the situation in real work, so many viewers shout the truth.
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