How to arrange wedding banquet seats
The arrangement of wedding seats is very important. Next, Bian Xiao will introduce you to two kinds of wedding seats. If the guest is a colleague, friend or business partner of the newcomer, he should greet the elder first, and try to arrange a deskmate if he is familiar with it. Unfamiliar people should be arranged at each table, and it will be more polite to take care of them in time. Please arrange them in the middle of the whole banquet area. If the guests are relatives of parents, parents' friends and colleagues should have their own separate seats. Parents' elders, sisters and brothers can be arranged at the same table or adjacent table in the same area, which is convenient for parents A to take care of, and parents can simply arrange their own seats. Usually, the parents table of the bride and groom should be close to the main table, on both sides of the red carpet, which is more convenient for guests on the same side to communicate in the same area. If the guests are classmates and friends of the couple, most of them are the best friends of the couple, so there is no need to say hello deliberately. You will wait patiently for that couple to appear. You might as well arrange them at the last few tables in the banquet area, which will not only make them enjoy themselves, but also avoid the influence of drinking on the whole wedding process. This part also includes the staff who help. When arranging seats, you can ask the food and beverage department to provide a table map and number or name each table, so that all aspects can be taken care of. Prepare several copies of this dining table map and the guest list printed according to the table, so as to facilitate the guests to sit down and show the host's carefulness. Second, the layout of the main table There must be a wedding reception after the wedding of the couple. Whether it's a Chinese banquet or a western buffet, there must be a plan to arrange guests' seats. This will not only help the guests find their place, but also make people feel that your wedding is orderly. Write a table card after the seating plan is completed. Don't write too formally on the desk card, and don't take the title of' madam' or' madam'. Be sure to compare the table with the guest seating plan to ensure that no guests are left out. At the entrance of the wedding banquet, there should be a special person at the sign-in desk to guide the guests to their seats or post a seat map indicating the guest's name and table number, so that the guests can find their seats quickly. Seat name plates should be placed on the main table of the wedding banquet, and other tables can be left out. At a very formal wedding, if you want to number a table so that guests can introduce each other, you can also put a name tag in front of his seat. The main table is the core of the wedding banquet, and it is essential in the wedding banquet. At the main table are the parents, elders, leaders and witnesses of the couple. The number of main tables depends on the number of people. It can be one or two. The main table is more prominent than other tables, and its decoration is more elegant, but the decorations should not be too high, so as not to block the guests' sight. There are many ways to arrange the seats at the main table. Here are some. 1. The bride sits in the center of the main table facing everyone. The groom sits on the bride's left, his father sits on the bride's right, his mother sits on the groom's father's left, his mother sits on the bride's father's left, and his parents and elders sit opposite the bride. The witness sits next to the elder, and the distinguished guests sit next to the witness. Second, if the couple doesn't sit, the groom's father sits in the middle of the main table, with the bride's father on his left and the bride's mother on her left. The elders sit next to the bride's father, the witness sits next to the bride's mother, and the distinguished guests sit next to the witness. Third, if the bride's family is too big to arrange a main table, two main tables can be arranged for both parents (both married brothers and sisters can be arranged at the main table). Fourth, according to some customs, parents and elders of both husband and wife can also divide two tables according to gender. Behind the main table is the dining table of relatives of the new family, on the left are relatives, colleagues and friends of the groom, and on the right are relatives, colleagues and friends of the bride-to-be.