Xiaowuxue Village is an administrative village under Taozhuang Town, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 370403 104207, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 370403. The postal code is 277 100, the long-distance telephone area code is 0632, and the license plate number is Lu D. Xiaowuxue Village and Ma Shang Community, Yuanshan Community, Xiguiyuan Community, Wen Yi Street Community, Xingfu garden club Community, Lianchuang Community, Zuocun Village, Ma Shang Village, Shihu Village, Shangwuxue Village, Qianyuanshan Village, Village, Xucun Village, Tianqimiao Village, Zuocun Village.
There are tourist attractions such as Mingyuan Mountain Villa, Tsinghua Pavilion, Xizhong Car-making Site, Liangshan, Xizhongshan and Xicangqiao near Xiaowuxue Village, and there are specialty products such as Lincheng Peach, Zaozhuang Jujube, Zhangzhuang Pomegranate, Xuzhuang Millet and Jet Watermelon.