2. There is a rich man. His father and son each donated a Jinshi, which was very proud. On New Year's Eve, they put up a couplet in front of the door to celebrate. Lian Yue: father Jinshi, son Jinshi, father and son Jinshi; Wife, daughter-in-law, wife and daughter-in-law are all wives. After reading it, the gifted scholar Wang added a few strokes to the couplet, and the couplet was completed: the father was buried, the son was buried, and the father and son were buried together; Wife loses her husband, daughter-in-law loses her husband, and both wife and daughter lose their husbands. The rich man was ashamed and angry at first sight, so he had to tear up the couplets.
Li Yan extended his teacher's class and promised to invite Miss Li on Tanabata. For several years, Li didn't keep his promise. It's Tanabata again, and three meals are still plain tea. Teacher Li said to the students, "The guest house is bleak, just like Tanabata tonight." The student can't be right. Ask his father, who is right: "The cold forest is lonely, and we can move in the Mid-Autumn Festival next month." On the Mid-Autumn Festival, Li stood up again. Teacher Li told the students to object to him: "Green bamboo has no intention, so it can't be overcome at once." When Li saw this, he said to his son, "If Huanghua has an appointment, why don't you stay after Chongyang?" . When we arrived in Chongyang, the guest house was still cold, so Teacher Wang had to tell the students again: "Third Sister Han: Sean, Han Xin and Di Renjie." Li smiled and said, "Sir, Di was from the Tang Dynasty." Mr. Wang replied, "I still remember it clearly before the Tang Dynasty and after the Han Dynasty. Why is a meal so forgetful? " Li was speechless and immediately retired.
Once upon a time, there was a rich man who planned to open a hotel, so he paid three cents for a new shop couplet.
A scholar went to apply. The rich man said, "The couplets should praise me for my good wine, acetic acid, fat pigs and prosperous people. There are no mice in the shop. "
Picking up a pen, the scholar quickly wrote:
The first part is: make a good wine jar and a sour vinegar jar;
The bottom line is: pigs are as big as elephants, and mice are all dead.
The horizontal recognition is: more people, less illness and more money.
After the scholar finished writing, he shook his head and read the couplet as:
"Pigs are as big as mice, and they are all dead."
"The wine tank is good in vinegar, and the altar is sour."
"There are many sick people and less wealth."
Couplets in the novel Meng Xiao;
1. In Qian Fan, rowing is faster than sailing.
Eight tones are played together, and the flute is clearer than the flute.
It's hard to buy a thousand golden smiles for a thousand dollars.
Long live the easy heart.
3. Mangosteen is unintentional, and there are several pairs of branches.
Lotus root has eyes and does not touch any sludge.
4. Open the door in nine days and win in three days.
Worship thousands of steps and overlook thousands of obstacles.
5. The twin towers are faint, with seven floors and four octagons.
Shake hands, five fingers are three long and two short.
6. Nanyue peak, the maple on the peak, the wind blows the maple and the peak does not move.
Beihe Bridge, firewood under the bridge, no bridge in sight.
7. Leaning in a chair, Yi Tong looks at the moon.
Wait for the lights to go to the pavilion and attack each other.
8. Sprinkle ice water on the window at two o'clock east and three o'clock west.
Cut into pieces, horizontal seven knives, vertical eight knives.
9. Dry gossip, Kun gossip, 8864 hexagrams, hexagrams dry Kun has been decided.
There are nine sounds of love, nine sounds of phoenix, nine sounds of 998 1, and the sound of husband and wife singing.
10. Pipa is the head of the Eight Kings.
Ghosts and shadows, four children have their own stomachs and intestines.
1 1. Wangjiang Tower, Wangjiang Willow, Wangjiang Willow on Wangjiang Tower, Jianglou through the ages, Liujiang through the ages.
Printing the moon well, printing the moon shadow, printing the moon well, printing the moon shadow for thousands of years.
12. Wangjianglou, Wangjiangliu, Wangjiangliu on Wangjianglou, Jianglou through the ages, Liujiang through the ages.
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