On the slope of Changban, Zhao Yun made seven advances and seven exits, but he was unbeaten. The horse that can jump up after falling into the pit is the night jade lion. All white, no hair, all white. It is said that it can walk thousands of miles a day. It is produced in the Western Regions and is the best among horses.
Lu became a household name because of Xin Qiji's words: "Horse makes Lu, flying as fast as a bolt from the blue." One of the most conspicuous places in the Three Kingdoms is to carry Liu Bei over Tanxi, which is several feet wide. This jump established his position as a famous horse in the Three Kingdoms and made Liu Bei sit up and take notice.
3. What is the boiling point of Claw King?
Claw imperial concubine hall is Cao Cao's love pony, and the name alone is different. Perhaps because of the noble and extraordinary temperament of this horse, Cao Cao usually does not ride it, but rides it when he returns to the DPRK in triumph to show his unique momentum.
4. Red rabbit?
The best horse, the red rabbit rouge beast. According to the storytelling, this horse is as golden as charcoal, with a pinch of Bai Yueguang on his forehead, brown hair all over his body, bony protrusions under his ears, brown hair around his belly, and a hook under his hoof. This means that there are horns on the head, scales under the stomach and claws under the hooves. The mountain is like a tiger and the sea is like a dragon.
5. Jueying?
Jueying is Cao Cao's mount. In the process of conquering Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao accidentally fell into a trap and had to flee hastily. Jueying can gallop with three arrows in his body, and finally falls down after being shot in the eye by random arrows. The name "ghost" may come from its speed, which means it is too fast to keep up with the shadow.