Ma Xiao Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Lepingpu Town, Chiping District, Liaocheng City. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 37 1523101218, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 371523. The postal code is 252000, the long distance area code is 0635, and the license plate number is Lu P. Ma Xiao Village is adjacent to Houchang Village, LiuLanting Village, Wangxiao Village, Dama Village, Gangziwang Village, Liu Qinghong Village, Jiaodong Village, Qianchang Village, Shili Village, Jiaoxi Village, Jiaobei Village, Wangshaotian Village, Junwanghuang Village and Changhaizi Village.
There are some tourist attractions near Ma Xiao Village, such as Zhangxiaozhuang Event Monument, Lepingpu Tucheng Site, Lepingpu Site, Jinniu Lake Scenic Area in chiping, Sizhaolou and so on. There are also some specialties such as chiping Yuanling Jujube, Jiazhai Grape, Xiaozhuang Jiutiao, chiping Wuzao, Xiaoyangtun Village Duck and so on.