First of all, there are many things to prepare for the wedding banquet. Balloons, candles and lights should be prepared and debugged in advance, so that some faults can be avoided when holding a wedding banquet. And when arranging wedding supplies, you must choose bright flowers. Putting flowers on the dining table can add to the celebration, and at the same time make the wedding scene more beautiful, full of happiness and sweetness. Then the couple can mark the guest's name on each dining table, so that close friends can be together, so that they will not be embarrassed when eating, and it is convenient for the guests to sit down.
Secondly, newlyweds should pay attention to choosing your even number when arranging the wedding banquet, because marriage is a festive thing and cannot be expressed in singular, and the wedding banquet is also particular. If it is the main dining table, then more decorations are needed when decorating, such as flowers of different colors, and the place near the wedding dining table is the best place to decorate the main dining table. At the beginning of the wedding reception, cigarettes and wine should be served first. These things must be prepared in advance, explain clearly to the hotel, let them prepare in advance, and arrange wedding supplies in advance, so that there will be no mistakes at the beginning of the wedding reception.
There are not many things needed for the placement of wedding supplies, but we must pay attention to the details when placing that and placing it. If the details are not handled well, the wedding reception will not be effective and the atmosphere of the wedding will not reach its climax. Wedding reception is the most important process, because there is a folk saying that "you can't get married without a banquet", and the arrangement of wedding supplies varies from place to place, so newcomers must combine the wedding reception with local cultural customs, so that the wedding reception can be praised by relatives and friends.