A few days before the puppy is born, the bitch may refuse to eat and start building her own nest. The dog owner should prepare a breeding box, otherwise it may give birth to puppies in your room. The breeding box should be twice as big as the bitch, surrounded by fences, high enough to prevent the puppy from falling, and the box should be placed in a warm place.
Get ready for a new life.
In the process of production, the dog owner may need to prepare a spherical syringe to suck out the secretions of the puppies, handle pliers with bloody umbilical cords, cotton thread for tying umbilical cords, disinfectant, scissors, clean towels and a lot of newspapers.
A few minutes after each puppy is born, its placenta will split and the bitch will eat all or part of it. Dog owners must ensure that the number of placentas is equal to the number of puppies, because if there are placentas left, there may be problems in the future.
When another puppy is ready to be born, it is important for the dog owner to put the first puppy in a basket prepared in advance, and the temperature should be 85 degrees Fahrenheit, because most BB dogs freeze to death.
It's winter now, and if the bitch is still outdoors after giving birth, the bitch will be very dangerous. ...