The calendar we use now is calculated according to 365.2425 days a year, while the astronomers in Maya at that time calculated according to 365.2420 days. According to the calculation of the most advanced astronomers a few days ago, a year should be 365.422 days. From this point of view, the calendar used by the ancient Mayans is more correct than the calendar we use now, with an error of only 0.000 days, which is only 17.28 seconds a year when converted into seconds. No one knows why the ancient Mayans had such correct astronomical calculations. If an astronomer wants to get such a value, it will take at least 10 thousand years to observe celestial bodies. Torrance's ancient book, one of Mayan documents, clearly recorded the solar eclipse, Venus rendezvous period and so on.
A person with such an accurate calculation must have a lot of money. Don't worry about not eating or doing it. It's boring. You are.