Can I go in if I'm not staying at Nanjing Honeycomb Hotel?
Yes Ctrip according to the query. Com display. Nanjing Honeycomb Hotel can go even if it doesn't stay, because there are more people staying in the hotel and more people coming and going every day. Hotel service personnel can't remember everyone's reasons. Even if they don't stay in the hotel, the service staff may not be able to distinguish them, and they won't stop passengers from entering the hotel. Just because the elevator needs a room card after the passengers check in, they can only visit in the lobby. Honeycomb Hotel is located in Jiangbei New District, Nanjing. The Honeycomb Hotel project uses the abandoned land of Sanhe quarry, and builds a super five-star hotel on the cliff with the inspiration of Honeycomb, which will provide tourists with beautiful hot springs, theme suites, extreme sports and other special services.