First, sandstorm weather should reduce going out and close the doors and windows in time. If you must be outdoors, it is best to use a dust-proof mask to reduce the dust inhaled into the human body. Wet towels and gauze towels can be used to protect eyes, mouth and nose. Other protective measures include wearing glasses, dust-proof gloves, shoes and socks, clothes, washing your face frequently (especially before meals), avoiding rubbing your eyes with your hands and increasing the frequency of washing your face every day. However, this simple protection can't stop the smaller particles. Schools at all levels should temporarily stop outdoor activities before the sandstorm recedes. Sandstorms can also cause respiratory diseases, and the air quality is not good, which has a greater impact on people with unhealthy respiratory tract. It will not only cause dry cough, expectoration and hemoptysis, but also cause high fever. It is more important for such groups to do personal protection in sandstorm weather.
Second, drink more water. Sandstorm-prone season, dry weather, coupled with dust, skin surface moisture is easy to lose. Dust is easy to clog after entering pores. If not removed in time, it may cause acne. People with allergic constitution are also prone to various allergic dermatitis and rashes, such as allergic rhinitis and allergic skin itching. In order to prevent allergic diseases, we should reduce the number of trips when the air quality is poor. If you have allergic diseases, you should see a doctor. In addition, drinking plenty of water can replenish lost water and accelerate the discharge of various metabolic wastes in the body, which is very beneficial to skin care and general health.
Dust weather not only reduces visibility, but also brings serious pollution. The primary pollutant is solid particulate matter, which has a serious impact on people's lives. Air purifiers of Philips, Panasonic and Xindong can effectively filter and purify PM2.5, PM 10, formaldehyde, allergens and other particles. In dusty weather, it is most suitable for families with old people and children.