Aweddingdescribeamo mob weddingthatyouattendedyoushouldsay: In the machine question bank of the IELTS speaking test, when whowastherewhatyoudidredoandexplainwhyyouthinkit was successful, the questions with the theme of wedding appeared in the first part and the second part respectively. In the first part, the question in the question bank is, what is the topic of Weddinglike? What do people usually wear at weddings? ... these questions are relatively simple, so the simple answers show the cultural differences between China and the West. ?
But in the second part, many students will find it difficult to express when they see the topic of wedding. In fact, this topic only describes an experience of attending a wedding. It is suggested that after they get the topic, they immediately start brainstorming according to the wedding keywords that may appear in their minds: rosepetals, lovelyballoons, redcarpet, Weddingcandies, brideandgroom, exchangetherings, exchange vows…… ... With these words, the next step is organizational language. Event topic is equivalent to an oral narrative, which can integrate the six elements of narrative (when, who, where, beginning, plot and ending) and point out its most memorable scene.
For example, when Newlywedsretakingtheweddingnews, ithinkthemostromaticpartwatime. The room said to another bride, "I will always love three things in the world: the sun, the moon and you, the sun, the moon and you." He said to the groom, "To the world, you may be only one person, but to me, you are the world." These words hurt everyone's heart. In fact, two paragraphs in this scene can be found everywhere in various English short articles in our daily life. I suggest that you can consciously prepare some similar essays and use them in your oral exam to add a bright spot to yourself.