First, the price of renting a car and moving.
How much does it cost to rent a car from Shijiazhuang to Gaobeidian? Which moving company is cheaper? The distance from Shijiazhuang to Gaobeidian is about 230 kilometers, and most moving companies will customize an approximate total moving price according to our vehicle model and transportation distance. For example, we're just moving in an ordinary van. If we move a car, the total price may be about two or three thousand yuan. Of course, this includes the handling fee price. If you choose to rent a car and move, the price will probably be one or two thousand yuan, which can save a lot of money. However, it should be noted that you need to carry it yourself or find someone to carry it. The fuel and high-speed tolls for transport vehicles need to be paid by yourself, and the total price is still similar. However, if we need to transport more goods and take two more trips, then renting a car to move will be more favorable than the direct handling price of the moving company.
Second, cheap moving companies.
They all rent cars to move, but the rental prices of different moving companies may be different. For example, a small moving company has relatively few vehicles. If you rent a car, there will be no food, so the relative price will not be particularly cheap. However, if you rent a car from a large moving company, because there are relatively many vehicles, it is completely worthless when idle, so the price of moving and renting a car we can talk about will be cheaper. For example, when Shijiazhuang seals move and dozens of cars take turns to operate, the rental price will be more reasonable. Not only that, because Shijiazhuang Seal Moving is a national chain moving enterprise with branches in many cities. After renting a car, you can choose workers from the branch here to help you unload the goods. It's really convenient, fast and cheap!
I don't know if you have any questions. How much does it cost to rent a car from Shijiazhuang to Gaobeidian and which moving company is cheaper? If so, feel free to ask questions from seals!